Sunday, March 12, 2023


Travis and Karen are what most Americans from a rural area can acknowledge and appreciate. Both parents have worked full time, and yet their priority has been their three kids. This photo is a few years ago, so they have all advanced in growth and admiration. The taller son is Tanner Jones, who had just received his Eagle Scout while working and being an A student at Juab High. He then served a two year LDS foreign language mission, then received his two year Associate Degree at Snow. He has now been accepted in to the Coast Guard and will soon be leaving after acing all of their tests. Middle son is Gentry who was able to be an A student at Juab High. then received his Eagle Scout Award; served a two year LDS Mission learning a foreign Language. He is a first year college kid at SUUC or the one in Cedar. The young kid is McCord who was active in baseball in school, like his old man, and an A student. He and each of the kids accurately learned what they never teach in any high school that I am aware of. The parents taught them good work ethics, and McCord has been my working side kick, and as soon as he was paid, he went right to the bank to deposit it for the future. He advanced as far as he could with the Boy Scouts of America, until a few bad apples caused the dismay of the tens of thousands of excellent Scout Masters and the major contributor pulled the rug from under McCord's feet, as he wanted to accomplish being an Eagle Scout. Never fear, he has turned into a Master shooter and a Raccoon and Coyote Trapper, ridding them from the used to be open fields where them thar varmints take down good animals. Some folks say that developers and politicians may be the worst varmints' to destroy a rural area, but this family moved to a spread where they can enjoy farming and riding horses, a lost art to Juab County. Gentry has already obtained one flying license and he too wants to join the military. This is a close knit family who will continue to serve God; their family; Church and their country before it is all gone. Like other of the Jones Boys since their arrival in Nephi during 1852, they have shied away from dating, as that sort of thing can wait until after they are educated in life rather than a school. If you don't know them, you ought to, as the love of family and good work ethics may not be on the school list of importance, and even this writer had a difficult time getting Nephi leaders to start saying the Pledge of Allegiance at City Council Meeting. Nephi Leaders didn't seem to understand that Nephi is still part of America!

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