Friday, March 3, 2023

Frank was the son of "Uncle Hy" Tolley, who was a son of Wm Fisher Tolley of Pioneer Times.

Before we forget them all, we thought we would pay tribute to some of those that have passed, but not forgotten. Frank, and then his son Roy Tolley lived just below the tracks in Nephi at about 10th North. All of the kin of Wm. Fisher Tolley knew and kept good horses, and I smile as I drive past the area where Franks mother in-law lived in the still standing log home. And it must be the daughters of Roy who still have the horses and calf roping arena. Thanks to this Tolley family for helping to keep Juab County rural. Wm. Fisher Tolley came with the Mormon Pioneer Trek to Nephi, and called by Brother Brigham to build a decent road between Ft. Green and Nephi, as he was well known for that in the "ole country". And even after Roy Tolley passed away as the go to employee for Nephi Water, he had it all in his head, and better than any computer could keep track of. Frank was the brother of Ruth Zabriskie, and she was the main one to keep the dry wit humor of Uncle Hy Tolley alive and kicking. Frank was short but stout, and like Dell Steele or Gene Fullmer, you would be krazy to take any of them on. They would knock your socks off!

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