Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 When it comes to writing Nephi or Family History, I enjoy writing about what I have and the journals; dairies and letters. But when in comes to doing the LDS Genealogy part of it, the brain gets fried, and I try to give that to family folks that can do it. That goes to the Harris family of which my mother is linked, and years ago, I spent a month in Wales tracking down as much as I could. Thanks to Lorraine Hayes for putting it together for me years ago. Through 300 years of the Harris family, their is too many Evan's and Johns. And when I went to the gravesides in Wales or the Church of England for records, it got worse. In those days, they had a lot of infant mortalities'. So if you lost a son, then you would name the second son the same as the first, and often times they forgot to put the DOB down, or the ancient headstones are wore out. So here goes. Sadie Marie Tolley was born in the local Tolley family, so she is related to the Jones family. She was a close friend of my mother-LaVon Harris Jones. A hundred years ago, they were great friends that walked home from school together, when they both went to the South Grade School of Nephi.The father of LaVon was Evan Harris, who lived in a home where the local food bank is in Nephi, and he had a Livery Stable at 135 West Depot Street, which we now call Center Street. Sadie seemed to know the family quite well, as her card to LaVon shows. Sure enough, Sadie ended up getting married to John Evan Harris on April 7, 1886 and now LaVon was an even closer friend to Sadie and her kids-Stella Harris Boswell and Blanch Harris Anderson. Then more confusing, here comes a son by the name of Evan Jay Harris and  after he married Helen, then their kids were Ken, Jerry, Evan, Karren and Vickie Harris. Now back to Sadie. As many of the Harris family was involved with construction, they moved to the Grass Valley area of California. John Evan Harris died on May 2, 1952, so LaVon was their to help the bereaving of her friend and now relative. In those days, a cursive letter met a lot more than flowers and or funeral potatoes, even though this writer will go to "Mormon Funeral" just to get the funeral potatoes, without knowledge of the deceased. LaVon, more than most knew the right words to say or write. We don't have that, but we do have a heart wrenching letter from Sadie to LaVon, finding strength to one of LaVon's favorite sayings of "One Day At A Time" The front and the back of the card are here, but since my brain is fried, you may have to reverse things a tit bit and make it darker. Regardless of who you are, or how dollar dough or kitchen dough you have, ALL will feel the knees go weak in different weeks, so just remember, take it all "One Day At A Time". Don't speed through life on earth, it comes pretty dam fast. Put it in Granny.

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