Thursday, October 12, 2023


For most folks wandering to view cemeteries, the second of two in Nephi may be a little difficult, but if you contact the Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi, they have it down good for several generations. When they created the cemetery, only Mormon Pioneers knew where it was. It was out of City Limits, and no trees like it is today. Only bad thing now is all of the subdivisions that intrude on the serenity of why it was selected in the first place. But big money; Politicians; Developers and people who want to get away from others, only to be closer to others! Good Cents, but no Sense! Oh well, at least I tried when I was one of those Nephi Knuckleheads. On the positive, Vine Bluff was named as such, only because early Mormons liked to have real wine from grapes, and one Vineyard Building still stands in St. George. Anyway, they couldn't call it Wine Way, because Brother Young realized that "Strong Drink" included wine as per the Word of Wisdom, so locals called it Vine Bluff. You won't read that in history books, but tis so. I wandered through the cemetery to pay respect to my family and friends, as that is where their earthy remains remain. Old cemeteries often tell truths of real history, so I have traveled to many around the world. I like that which is written on many at Vine Bluff, including the following: (1) Daddy, I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in Heaven. (2) Don't just use one crayon and be just one color. Be the whole box of crayons and be who you are. (3) Our family is a circle of strength; founded on faith; sealed in love; kept by God, together forever. (4) Mother-All that we are, we owe to our dear mother. (5) A life that touched the hearts of others lives on forever. That one may be my favorite and her headstone is shown. She remains a dear cousin of mine, and grew up as a woman of courage, as one of the last Nephi residents who never complained of her Polio, a disease that was common back when I was a kid. She was and remains a valiant stewardess of God. In todays wanderings, I recognized the photo of a football player; a pilot that flew so high he felt like he was next to God; a motorcycle racer; a basketball star; a gas man; an LDS Bishop, who was an expert  Carpenter; a Baker, and yes a Turd of a guy that knew horses and cattle. I even came across one of the Norton brothers who founded Nortonville, Utah. After picking up some limbs and garbage, I nearly stumbled across a yahoo who had the nerve to put on his headstone "Son of Alma, from the Land of Nephi". It appears he was proud of both, but they forgot to put his Doomsday on it. Well, lets put it off til tomorrow. And if you know somebody that wants to volunteer to make a sculpture out of a half a cut tree, contact Nephi City, I would think they would be tickled pink at your gift. The Sexton does have to cut some of the big ones down or the roots will come up through your great grandpa's grave! Help keep your family headstone respectful. You paid for it, keep it clean to save taxpayer dollar.

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