Thursday, October 26, 2023


Todays story is about how NOT to honor Veterans. If you think about it, the history of world battles  started with the kids of Adam and Eve, and it wasn't too long before there were more wars, and it has been  a constant plague since then. Often times, it starts with a skirmish, then develops into a complete World War. The first world war was supposed to be "The War To End All Wars", but it wasn't long  before the same Country was the aggressor, once again. Although I haven't watched a TV News report in more than 40 years, one can easily feel the consistent pressure of people that a third world war is hanging about. And if it comes to that, we may not even be aware of who the enemy is, as they could already be living. among us and in positions of  influence. In most battles and wars of yesteryear, we had the respect of our elected or selected government officials, and followed their command to go to war. If we disagree, some don't try to alter that in a law abiding country, but cause riots and aggression against ourselves, and  some people resist to dig out the roots of that behavior with the civil unrest that live among us. In the Viet Nam War, many of the fighting soldiers were among the victims of war, as the discouraging factor was that many of those young men were drafted and not their fault, but many of us blamed them for going to war, and the mal-contents didn't honor them on their return to home, but shunned them. Many of those that went to that war and the ones in the Middle East and eventually slipped into a stage of "Shell Shock" or what we now call "PTSD" or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder". If you were a soldier on the front line where you will be killed if you don't kill them, then later on the stress within is over shadowed, but the bad things a veteran was involved with comes back to haunt them. That sort of thing occurs with police officers, as they too are in harms way. If you see any person who has been in the military, regardless if they were on the front line or the supply line, each of us should send a letter to them giving thanks or honor them in any way possible. Most on the front line Veterans live among us, but seldom want to be noticed, but this is a reminder to sort them out and pay respect. Don't walk up and touch them; yell at them, as their past memory of how the enemy killed many were snipers and they re-act with a counter punch to overtake you. Coming up this weekend is the last day of the Deer Hunt. If you are from California, we ask you to know the difference between a cow and a deer. Utah's population is booming and out of control, taking up the winter feeding ground of the deer, so we don't have many left. And the photo's below will show a good natured guy who is tough as nails and after getting his Medic Degree in the Army, he was sent up front with the 9th Infantry and saved many lives on the American side, but placed in a position to take the life's of the enemy. On his return, things came back to normal, other than the second photo showing he appreciated the good cooking of his wife, but on the first day of the Utah Deer Hunt, some yahoo had the stupidity to get behind him, point his rifle in the air; shoot, then holler "Incoming" and that worn out soldier hit the ground and proved that PTSD was a real shock affect after a battle. PROPERLY HONOR A VET!

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