Monday, October 2, 2023


Throughout the history of the world, God had a lot of servants, scholars and leaders here on earth, but perhaps none may not have offered their services to others before himself more than Brent Park of Nephi, Utah. He may have learned a lot of that, following in his Dad's footsteps-Boyd Park, who was a Nephi City Councilman; Mayor, Student Body President of Juah High, where he excelled at sports, then became a Little League Coach. As a kid, I only knew Boyd Park as a gifted runner, because as a 12 year old stupido, I thought he was just a "Grease Monkey" at Painter Motor, and while passing newspapers, I rode my bike up behind him and knocked his hat off. Boyd picked it up and chased me. I shifted my bike in to high gear, and that speedster caught me, and didn't beat the stuffing out of me, just said I should be joining his baseball team. What a gifted man; leader and father. Then I met Brent's mother, who was a good friend of Nadine Blackett, and what a generous good woman she remains. Brent was BAD. He was Bound And Determined to be a prize catch for any beautiful woman that came along, and sure enough, beautiful Angie Bills saw him at a Bowling Alley, and they were hitched. The attached program will show some of the noble deeds he did on earth. His Heavenly Honors await him, and the rain today didn't stop a herd of people that attended his funeral and the Dedication of the Grave. Even this dry eyed no-account shed a tear when I saw his escort filled with Nephi Police; Juab Sheriff's Deputies'; Fire Fighters; EMTs, and School Buses lined up to pay respect. Well Done Brent. 

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