Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Here are two photos for your entertainement, but hopefully somebody can help me identify the people in the older one.

The first photo was taken in 1966, showing Wilma and Bill Pyper and their grandchildren-Wendy, Tara, Greg, Mark and Scott Pyper.

The second photo was recently discovered in items being held by the Jones family of Nephi, Utah, so we think it is a location in Juab County, but not a hundred percent sure.  On the reverse side, it is written "Alberta   age 5 years    taken at her birthday party     you can see her second from left of picture".  We are not sure who Alberta is, but I am guessing it is Alberta Blackett Jones, who was born in Nephi in 1920, which may correspondent to the vehicle.  If anybody can recognize the homes, the vehicle or the kids, please let me know, and if any of you attended that birthday party, let me know, as I will bake a cake for your own birthday party.

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