Sunday, May 10, 2015

It is Sunday, May 10th......Mother's guess the year this diary was written by Alma Jones of Nephi, Utah.

May 10th
   Cooler and windy. Father went to the Mothers day program this morning. then went to the cemetery in the afternoon and took the water tonight.
May 11th
   Awful windy. I planted some sweet corn in the lot today. It is Father's birthday, and a large crowd of the family were here for dinner. Got a letter from Grant.
May 12th
   Cloudy and cold.  I went out to Mona and bought some seed potatoes from Reuben Kay this morning. Pa and I have been cutting them this afternoon.
May 13th
   A little warmer in the morning, but turned off awful cold and windy in the afternoon.  I leveled some ground for Ronald Gowers.
May 14th
    Some warmer today.  I cut potatoes and went to the mill for pig feed in the morning. In afternoon Jay Vickers and I planted potatoes on the Warwoods.
May 15th
    The weather about the same.  Jay and I have been planting potatoes today. The alfalfa has been froze and not growing like it should.
May 16th
    It has been raining during the nite and most of the ground was too wet to plant potatoes. LaVon and I rode to Payson and went to a show.
May 17th
    It was warmer today.  Stake conference here. Samuel Bennion and wife are the speakers. It is Seminary graduation tonight.
May 18th
   Warmer today. I was able to work some potato ground. Bought a saddle from Brough this morning. Norma and kids worked over today. I took them home tonight.
May 19th
   Brother Anderson and Louise came from Oregon yesterday and stayed at Uncle Ed's last night. Father and I planted potatoes in the morning. Jay helped in the afternoon.
May 20th
   Father and I planted potatoes in the morning until noon.  It was quite warm today. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and I rode up the canyon at 5 o'clock and had a nice supper.
May 21st
    Still warm and I worked at home until noon. We went to Henry Bowers funeral at 2 o'clock. I went out to Smith Ingram's after to see about a cement job.
May 22th
   Warm and windy before noon. In afternoon cloudy and still windy.  I went to west bench and got cattle and we branded them tonite. Graduation exercises were held this evening.
May 23rd
   No change in weather. Heber McPherson and I drove the cattle up in pole canyon this morning.  I finished a cement floor at Smith Ingram's this afternoon.


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