Wednesday, May 20, 2015

If you have an extra flower on Decoration Day, I have a suggestion on one to decorate...

When I make it to Nephi on Decoration Day, I like to be Memorial, and place a flower at the headstone where no other flowers or decorations are laid; read their name and try to imagine who they are, or their story, as like all of us- they have one. If that doesn't work, then how about putting a flower on the grave of this war hero. Matt Howard was my childhood hero, as I became friends to his grandsons-Cliff and Carl Howard. I always liked the time I spent with Matt, as I heard the stories of how he fought with Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders of 1898. That was the Spanish-American War, when we fought Spain, and where the United States quickly won, taking control over parts of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Matt could have made a good model for the cigar companies of Cuba, as that long cigar moved as much as his lips did while he jawed of the 1st Calvary riding up San Juan Hill. If you are in the area, his headstone is in the northeast part of the Vine Bluff cemetery. 

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