Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Since Decoration Day will soon be upon us, I thought we could start early by honoring the people in this photograph of 1941.

It had a history of being called Decoration Day, and named as such in 1868, following the close of the American Civil War. It was in tribute to the 20,000 civil war dead, and five thousand volunteers showed up to Arlington Cemetery to "decorate" the honored dead, which happened to be both Union and Conferate soldiers. It remained Decoration Day for nearly a hundred years, until certain politicians ordered it to be called Memorial Day, so being from Juab County, I have no option than to keep calling it Decoration Day.

This photo was taken at Vine Bluff cemetery in Nephi, Utah on June 4, 1941. It is at the funeral of Sarah Jane Tolley Jones, who died on June 4, 1941. The original photo along with its frame will be donated to the Nephi Daughters of Pioneers.

From left to right: Bea Jones, Donald Jones, Ruth Jones Emerson, Edward Jones III, Jenerva Jones Jenkins, Gwen Jones(Donald's wife), Ray Jones, Elma Jones, then Hyrum Tolley and Wm. Jones.

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