Thursday, December 31, 2015

If I were a betting man, odds are that those reading this will not see a photo of themselves, but they may recognize somebody of the century old photos printed.

An apology first.  I know how to dig a post hole; milk a cow and pull weeds, but pretty dumb when it comes to computers; printers and scanners. I write my script first then see what happens with the photos, which come after. When the printer ran dry, it took a 50 Caliber cartridge to get the ink well out, along with a crescent wrench and left handed money wreck, so here goes. After 50 years of trying to figure out who these people were, and with not success, yesterday I donated several to the LDS church in the Historian's office. The contractual agreement is  they will download them and make them available to millions of people around the world, who may recognize them. It was agreed they would be shared with private ancestry companies so that non-LDS see them with no cost. Several photos are not shown when the printer gave up the ghost. The photo marked  No. 2  was taken by Alma Chase photography in Nephi, Utah. Number 2 shows the one on the right is from C.H. Bryan & Co. Photography of Nephi, Utah. No. 4 shows Fox and Symons Photo of SLC and we put the couple with a single lady as it appears both are the same woman, but years apart. Our general thought was the man was a General Authority of the LDS church. No. 5 was the back of a photo, which was a traveling photo shop out of Payson. The top lady in Photo No. 6 was taken in England where Wm. Jones went on a LDS Mission in the late 1800's and also where Wm. Fisher Tolley came from during the Pioneer trek to Utah. Same case with the bottom left photo in No. 7.  The child photo in No. 8 was taken at Alma Chase photography in Nephi, Utah, and we have some family members that believe the top left guy in the group is one of the Nephi Harris brothers of a hundred years ago. Top right pipe smoker was included in a letter from England to the Jones family in 1880's. No. 11 may have been the family of a son of Evan Harris of Nephi or a son of Wm. Fisher Tolley, who went to California at the turn of the century to build roads; homes and buildings. We have Tolley blog followers in California and Canada. No. 12 with the four men is one that may have been soldiers in World War I, as the leggings and boots appear to be that vintage; three of the four are smoking, and their is blood on the aprons, so they may have been butchers. No. 14 is a book showing a variety of names and dates of baptisms of 1837. This was "accidentally" taken from a Church of England parish and the LDS Church has committee to returning that to Great Britain, who are the correct owners. We have hundreds of other photos which date back to 1865, and attempting to establish who they are.

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