Thursday, December 17, 2015

MyrnaLee Weight Tew wasn't just a great cook and maker of candy, she taught her family how to cook and after chores, all were rewarded with her cake, carmels or fudge.

MyrnaLee Weight Tew was laid to rest at the Springville Evergreen Cemetery on Dec. 11, 2015. I attended the funeral out of respect. Although my family and friends think I have a peculiar side to me for attending funerals, I always find them historically interesting, and it gives me an opportunity to devour fine foods, especially at Mormon funerals, which is the only place I have been able to find "Funeral Potatoes". In the hundreds of funerals I have attended(even for people I don't know) I often take notes to see if the funeral speakers come close describing the real lives of those that passed. At this funeral, the family accurately reported the good life of MyrnaLee and the stalwart woman she was and remains. She came from the old school where if you asked her, she was bold enough to proclaim she worked as a "housewife" being devoted to her husband, her children and her home, but also a prolific reader and seamstress. So why is this Nephi Jones boy writing about a person from Mapleton, Utah. Well, if you read me out, I will try to show evidence of a connection. Firstly, MyrnaLee has a daughter and three grandsons in Nephi; secondly, her husband-Dean, was from the Tew family and had ties with J. Ivan Tew, a man who was born in Springville, Utah during 1892, but became a much loved Nephi Bishop of the LDS church, and a respected building contractor and farmer. MyrnaLee is from Mapleton, an area surrounded with fact/and or legend of a man named Nephi, who after passing through Nephi, passed through the Mapleton area between 300-400 A.D. I have also been acquainted with an LDS historian who found deep wagon ruts in the nearby mountains that could have been caused by heavy loads of a metal being carried centuries before. In view from Mapleton, one can see the zig-zag road leading to the "Dream Mine" from 1864, when local Bishop John Koyle announced he had been visited by an "Ancient Nephite Messenger" and was able to solicit monies to search for "rooms full of gold". As I sat near the Evergreen cemetery, I was amazed by the green beauty of this "Evergreen" resting place. Even in the middle of winter, that picturesque site will be comforting to the family. As a wannabe historian, I could almost feel angelic people near by welcoming one of God's special daughters back to our home base. On my way back home, I stopped and picked up a paper called USA Today. The only thing that struck my interest was an article about "Hottest Tech Gifts" and their "guide to 2015's coolest technology for kids and grown ups, too". I thought how wrong they were, especially after reading and listening to what the family of MyrnaLee wrote and said. It sounds like the best thing to do is to lock up the technology and ride around downtown Mapleton, which still has open fields and irrigation ditches, sturdy homes and no hellions driving with road rage mentality. Or one could visit one of the Tew family members. MyrnaLee made sure that the kids had a football to throw or a Frisbee to toss. She didn't need a map to fish Fish Lake; loved card games; oil painting and wasn't just a prolific reader, but wanted to take the family and visit there. She was devoted to 4-H and her religion, being the Bishop's wife and serving a LDS Mission. After the funeral, I spoke to her brother, who confirmed by suspicious. The Utah County Weight family are all connected and I had come to know two of them, who were good honest men. So what does all this mean! Well, it means there may be a lot of pressure on three Jones boys of Nephi, who are grandchildren of MyrnaLee. If they try to climb the slippery slopes of life, they can't blame it on their DNA. They come from a noble combination of the Weight, Tew and Jones family, so they will have to accept responsibility for their own actions. The good thing is that MyrnaLee remains their grandmother, and perhaps, just perhaps, those young boys may have a new Guardian Angel assigned to help them over the stumbling blocks that are sure to come there way.

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