Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Many people outside of Juab County don't know how to pronouce Juab; Nephi or the family name of Memmott. Now how many Memmott's can you name!

Let's suppose you are a woman living in Nephi, Utah, USA-a population of three thousand or less, and its 1927. You marry the love of your life, and then something in the water you drink brings forth youngins. In fact, five kiddies were born to this stalwart couple. At the time, many of the men had farms, as Cleon or C.L. Memmott did, but he also worked to make sure other farmers knew how to repair their machinery. After thirteen years of bliss, the husband dies, which happened to Marion Pyper Memmott. Not only did she have five young children to take care of, but responsible for a special sister-Madeline, who lived on the corner of 5th North and Main in Nephi. Although she never showed stress, Marion buckled down and became the female version of true grit. While she raised great kids, she worked for the local ASCS(Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service). She somehow found time to go to college; help her parents; neighbors; devoted to her brothers and sisters; the elderly; sick; the hungry, and faithfully fulfilled many church callings. She passed away at 89, but remains one of those class women this writer will never forget. Not only was she a special lady, but a relative, as her grandmother was Martha Ann Jones, one of the original pioneers of Nephi. We have included a photo of Marion from the 1960's; then one from when she was in the Glee Club back in the 1920's(courtesy of "They Left A Record"). According to that book written by Sadie Greenhalgh-Emma Memmott was present when Brigham Young stopped in Nephi to extort women "their bodies were sacred and should be kept covered. The ladies all wore shawls in those days and he told them not to let any man get under their shawl with them". From the Times News of 1947, we found an article written by Marion's husband, then found a variety of funeral listing's showing the "Memmott brothers" frequently singing with their deep rich voices. Maurice was also a dairy farmer. There are at least two separate Nephi families of Memmott's but all good folks. Many of them were LDS Bishops including Dan and Maurice. Hopefully, Nephi, Utah always have a Memmott living close by.

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