Monday, May 9, 2016

I paid $56.00 for a "Brand New Organ" and it arrived today.

At age 60, I took piano lessons, along with my friend-Iris Hemenway, who was 80. We never became good at it, but enjoyed trying and even begged naïve people to come and listen to our concert where we attempted a duet. It was fun for Lily-the granddaughter of Iris, as it was the first time she ever did a belly laugh. We played together for a few years, but my desire to be a concert pianist went down hill after Iris died. After reading about a "Brand New Organ" for sale at Clayton Music in Salt Lake, I thought of giving that a try, and it was only $56.00 and  "Freight Paid".  I saw the ad in a LDS church magazine, so thought it had to be a good deal. Well, it arrived today and I thought I better leave it outside until I can get the raccoons out of it. It is "Brand New", but had been sitting outside of a business for the past hundred years, so it may take some time before I can play at local funerals. I thought about complaining to somebody on the advertisement, then I noticed the front of the magazine, which was printed for the LDS religion class work of 1906-1907.  I guess I should have noticed that first. I have included a photo of myself on the left; the gal being Iris Hemenway, and Dave Franchina, both of whom have now passed away and playing their own version of "Over the Rainbow". Other photos will include some of the magazine advertisements, including Zions Bank President-Joseph F. Smith, and the Cashier being George M. Cannon. If you need home and fire insurance, just call Heber J. Grant, who "never lost a dollar in the San Francisco Conflagration" and what you can learn at the AC in Logan. We also have a photo of the "Brand New Organ" in front of my brand new home.

1 comment:

  1. Kent, Thank you. Great picture of mom and she would have loved this story.
