Sunday, May 29, 2016

We all run in to the end of the month bills, as I did, but figured a way to get them paid....well maybe!

Although it is a dying breed, I still like to get my bills in the mail and pay by check. The trouble is sometimes we place the bills to one side, and they get buried with other papers, and all of a sudden we are behind the eight ball. I want to make sure that all of these bills are paid which I recently found. Years ago, I heard that if you had a blank check, you were good to write a check, as a bank would not be giving you blank checks with out money there. I am trying to help all of my family with the bills, which have been sent to Wm. Fisher Tolley more than a hundred years ago, then to Grant Jones; Alma Jones; Wm. Jones, and can't quite figure out the one to Hal Jones from Dr. P.L. Jones. It says we owe $5.00 but as I recall Hal ain't go no teeth and hasn't for a half century. Some of the bills are from Barton Plumbing, Snak Shak Café; Richard Sudweeks and then we may owe the U.S. Government for grazing cattle. But I am in luck as I found some blank checks, and can't even remember who in the family had money in The First National Bank of Chugwater, Wyoming or the First National Bank of Torrington, Wyoming. I then went over to Nephi office of The Commercial Bank of Utah, and apparently the Wells Fargo Stagecoach got stuck there, as the clerk didn't know what I was talking about. Oh well, as a back up I have the BankAmericard, and some IOU's in the First Security Bank money bag.

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