Monday, May 30, 2016

For years I have known that my family history involved polygamy in the 1800's, but just found shocking evidence my father had several wives as well.

Decoration Day is often rough to put together for most families, as there is cleaning the grave areas; purchasing or cutting flowers and such. For me, it has been the routine to explain how my great grandfather-Wm. Fisher Tolley had four wives when the LDS Church permitted it. Then on my  line of the Jones family, I had to do the same for Edward Jones, the first, and tell how he too was given permission to marry two wives by Brigham Young. This year was a little easier as I had cousin Mark Jones next to me to help explain that situation. While preparing to place such photos at graves, I found new evidence that my own father may have also had several wives! In the old days, the "First Wife" had to give permission for the man to take up more wives, and I think the "First Wife" of Alma Jones may have given such consent to add fifteen more to his list. I recognize the typewriter print that LaVon Jones put together. If you check each photo, it appears that Alma has the biggest smile of them all. After further research, it is quite possible, they were all involved in the LDS Sunday School together, but all evidence is still being considered.

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