Monday, May 9, 2016

If you lived in Nephi a hundred years ago, who would be the two women proclaimed to be the most beautiful of all!

We now have pageant judges to proclaim who is the most beautiful of all, but they are individuals with their own sense of beauty. From listening to a variety of older folks through the years, I recall being informed that in the horse and buggy days, no women could match the beauty of Erma Jones and Sadie Tolley. They were cousins and there were many guys who spent days putting a lot of saddle soap on the harness to take them for a ride in a borrowed buggy. The first photo shows Erma Jones who decided not to court anybody other than Robert Garrett, and just had to wait for him to return from the sheep camp. On the far right is Sadie Tolley, who married the driver of the buggy and considered the most handsome of the Nephi Harris boys. That is Evan Harris, who was an all round handy man in Juab County, then got into construction and headed west to California. The other scan entries are of a LDS magazine I just found, dating back to 1929. On the front is handwritten "Blanch Boswell Olpin" so wasn't sure who the rightful owner of "The Children's Friend" belonged to, until I saw the printed name on the back, which was sent to "Erma Garrett   Nephi   Utah". Since two of her children-Ross Garrett and Corrine Garrett are still in Nephi, I will head out now to give the magazine back to them. The large magazine contains fun stories for children, but thought the advertisements were interesting, including the President of Beneficial Life Insurance and the advertisement of Bennett's Paint, following the death of Senator Bob Bennett who helped his father-Wallace Bennett in that business.


  1. Sadie Maria Tolley Harris is my Great-grandma and I totally adored her. Our youngest daughter is named Sadie Maria after her. Thanks for sharing this pic and bit of info about her younger days.

  2. How wonderful to name your daughter after such a special lady. I felt that way about her also. She was my Grandpa's sister. (I have a copy of the same picture as is on here.)
