Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Here are some diary notes from 1895 then 1942

Can you remember what you did yesterday, or last week! I don't, but know what my father-Alma Jones was doing on Feb. 1st, 1942, and what his father-Wm. Jones was doing in Feb., 1895. Wm. Jones was on an LDS mission in England at the time of his entries. Although married, he and and Elder McPherson, both of Juab County, were called to England, and expected to search out relatives for food, lodging and then convert people to the Mormon church. The photos are from their journal era.
Feb. 1, 1942. The weather is fine today. I and father went to meeting. We had a play practice. This afternoon LaVon & I went to a good show tonite.
Feb. 2, 1942. Warm but cloudy today. Funeral services were held for Clarence Brough today at 2 o'clock. Military funeral & was wonderful. Large attendance. Snow is all melted.
Feb. 3, 1942. Cold and stormy during the forenoon but cleared up in afternoon. We took the play(Depend on Me) up to Payson tonite. There was a good crowd turned out. Got home at 11:30 O'clock.
Feb. 4, 1942. A little cold and cloudy today. I was down to Irvin Johnson Wednesday morning putting in a little cement. I have been splitting wood at home today. Budget play tonight.
Feb. 5, 1942. Snowed about 3 inches during the nite. Cloudy today. Sugar is being rationed out in the U.S. Same with tires and rubber goods. I have been over to H.S. carpenter shop tonight.
Feb. 6, 1942. Has been cold & cloudy today. I have been working for Irvin Johnson this afternoon laying up a chimney. Was over to HS shop again tonight.
Feb. 7, 1942. Still cold and cloudy. Snowed a little in afternoon. Pearl(Ockey) has been out helping with house work. I have been down to Irvin Johnson today on house. We had a dinner at Sudweeks tonite.
Feb. 1, 1895. I wrote a letter to my mother(Martha Jackson Jones) then I went down to see Bro and Sister Roberts. Spent the afternoon with them then I went on Banks Lane to see Brother Barrows. Spent a pleasant evening. There was a young lady there. We had a gospel conversation then back to my cousin on Blum St. No. 53.
Feb. 2, 1895. I started for the Stockhart Station got to Manchester then went to see Mrs. Haws on Miller Lane. Found them well and they treated me kindly and had dinner there. Then I called to see Aunt Fitzgerald. Found them well though their daughter Eunice had been poorly. I had tea there then for Oldham. Called to see Bro. Howarth. Found them all well. I received a letter from Jane Jackson, then to No. 7, Radcliff. Bro. Nielson and I went up to Bro. Betley.

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