Wednesday, February 8, 2017

We found another 1960's Juab High student publication, so we thought we would share it.

Last week we found a copy of the "Juab Wasp" which was published by students of Juab High School in the 1960's. Today, we found another one from 1964, so in case you didn't get yours of yesteryear, here it is. When the remodel of the Snak Shak Café took place that year, my father was able to negotiate for the cinder block, and we still have some of them. Also, if you are wondering what the last names of the Senior gals who gave the Bakers store static, it could have been Vicky Andreason, Beverly Myers, Kathy Worthington, Marilynn Christensen, Carol Ostler and Connie Kendall, but no worries, the Statute of Limitations covers them. And yes, it was Kent Jones who fell asleep in class, and the teacher had all of the students come in and out quietly and let me go into shock to wake up to other students.

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