Sunday, February 26, 2017

It is Oscar night, but it may be just politics, so I think I will go fishing!

Tonight is Oscar night, and they still haven't notified me, so it is assumed I am not being considered for an award! That happens when one is just an extra in movies, as I was with Charles Heston in "Avenging Angel" and several episode's of "Touched By An Angel". For sure, I wouldn't be considered for my role in "Dumb and Dumber", as Jim Carrey and I got so goofy during a urinal scene, they cut out the whole sequence of events. In the theatrical scene of "I am Jane" I played the role of an LDS official, and then in Avenging Angel, I was an offical of that same church helping my wives on a wagon. Needless to say, my point is, I was an actor....only an actor, and may not have any competence to expound on other matters. I am a lover of Christ, and felt guilty when I got a check from the LDS Church because I over played the role of a Sadducee who physically took down Jesus in the movie "The Testaments". Keep in mind, if they are only acting, they may not have any real knowledge of other things in life.

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