Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Today, we say thanks to the Lion's Club, as they are often the un-recognized hero's of our community.

All of us have hero's. It may be a family member; sports; the movies; on the field of battle or the caregivers amongst us. Today, we say thanks to the Lions Club, wherever they may be. In Morgan, it was the Lion's Club that organized Morgala Days Rodeo; in Fort Union of Salt Lake, it was the Lion's that does the Easter Egg Hunt. In Nephi, Utah, they do a lot of everything, such as help with the programs of the Ute Stampede; the rodeo breakfast; clean up Nephi Canyon, and no where in America, can you find a better Memorial to our Veterans. Now, I read where they are putting on a Blue Ribbon Breakfast on August 12th, at the Juab County Fair. How about saying thanks to them in a tangible form, by enjoying a big breakfast for six bucks; give them a ten and tell them to keep the change. That may energize them to keep up the lion's share of helping around the world, but you will feel as noble as a lion.

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