Sunday, February 4, 2018

There is gold in them thor hills....well at least there may have been in 1890!

We will provide the map of where to find the gold, silver and other precious metals, but not sure who owns the land nowadays, so the explorer would have to seek the owner's permission. It may even be in the area owned by the National Forest, so you may have to get an Act of Congress to pan for gold there, but with gold prices at $1,333.00 an oz. you may help get the United States out of debt. The "Bill Jones Lode Mining Claim" has beautiful cursive writing, but also important names of the Utah Territory, including J.W. Paxman, who was not only an LDS Stake President and Patriarch, but came in to a slew of money to purchase dry land acres on the Levan Ridge and help start Levan's "Wheat Day" celebration. Local folks liked the Paxman family so much they put up the still standing and tallest tombstone in the Southeast portion of the Vine Bluff Cemetery in Nephi, Utah. The Juab County Recorder was J.R. Hickman, another famous name of Mormon history. Big Birch Creek is east of Nortonville, the canyon to the left, while Little Birch is to the right, where Juab County used to get their gravel for roads. We will donate this "Notice of Location" to the Juab Daughters of Utah Pioneers on behave of the Jones family.

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