Thursday, July 5, 2018

Help preserve the American West! Come to Nephi for the 84th Ute Stampede rodeo!

Utah and the American West is shrinking, with population overload and reduced ranches. So here is your chance to help preserve it. A week from tonight, you are invited to visit Nephi, Utah for the 84th running of the Ute Stampede rodeo. We don't have the boxing matches or horse races like years before, but you can get your natural high by watching man and beast work together for rodeo points in the expanded 12,000 seat clean air arena. And next door you can see a real Carney operate the carnival rides. Get away from the big city jungle and help pay tribute to our Veterans with a giant American flag hooked on a parachute falling from heaven. The Boy Scouts will make you the best hamburgers north of the Pecos. Leave your comfort dog at home, as your new comfort animal can be million dollar dancing horses, or the meanest bulls west of the Mississippi herded by Cotton Rosser, a living legend and real American Cowboy!

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