Monday, July 2, 2018

Some things never change...such as the smile of Shane Jones, whose birthday is today.

At five months old, Shane Jones of Mona, Utah had a distinctive grin and used both hands to hold on for the ride of his life. Many years later while going for the gusto at Buck Capitol, Nevada, Shane was still ridin high with that same grin and one hand still holding the other for his bunch of bull ride. Even through high school, Shane rode to be a Juab High student of the week, along with his buddy Randy Steele. Although many will remember "Aunt" Emma Wilson as a good business woman, people may not know she was also a spiritual poet, and wrote the attached "Do We Need Promptings" of Randy Steele and Shane Jones during the near fatal summer of 1989. Glad to see you still kicking Shane, and by the way, Happy Birthday old man!

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