Sunday, July 29, 2018

There is still time to see the unaged "Peter Pan" character in an aged theater!

It appears the "Peter Pan" novel was written more than a hundred years ago and fun that it is being performed in the near hundred year old auditorium that graduated thousands of students from Nephi High, then Juab High since the 1920's. Although I felt aged sitting in the same seats of a half century ago, the local Peter Pan characters showed youthful talent in this theatrical presentation. As I have never seen the production before, we wasn't sure if Tinkerbell needed to use the bathroom or that's just how miniature and mythical pixie types are able to dance on their toes. Regardless, it was a delightful production, and pretty dang cheap. The last night is July 30th in the Nephi, Utah building on Main that was built by a guy who said the building would stand for a hundred years, and he is almost to his word. We tip our hats to the Juab Fine Arts Council and their sponsors.

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