Monday, August 6, 2018

Gae Sperry was a Templer who became a true Nephite.

In case you missed her funeral today, we will give a short version of what I saw, heard and felt today, and my observation of the devotion given to Gae Sperry by two different families. Although I was acquainted with her husband-Duane Sperry, who was a Juab County Sheriff, I didn't know Gae in her younger days, but could sense her love of family, with a herd of kids, grandkids and great grand children who attended the funeral. Her other family were the staff and residents of the Red Cliffs Assisted Living Center, where she resided after being hit with the unfairness of Dementia. While visiting other folks at the facility, one couldn't help but notice the ever watchful eye of other residents and staff, looking out for Gae. Often times, another resident would gently assist her. It was as though Gae Sperry had a handful of helpful residents, or a host of guardian angels closely watching over her, or both. On one occasion, I watched as one of her daughters came in and lovingly brushed Gae's hair, then gently touching and stroking her mothers face. When her husband died at the young age of 53, she did whatever she could to make ends meet and was not only devoted to her five kids, but worked as a teacher's assistant then for Juab County. She never had much money and what she did have, she was willing to give it to others. I heard once that divine love is a sacred flower, which in it's early bud is happiness, and its full bloom is heaven. Gae Sperry had heavenly devotion, filled with infinite colors and tapestry, just like her painting on the canvas. Her husband was big in to little league sports and boy scouts, and when he departed, she took his place, not only as the provider of food, but showed kids how to hit a ball and routinely watched every family member play. Gae, you were given a hearty welcome back at the pearly gates.


  1. This is beautiful. Today was the first I saw it and you made me cry I was so tenderly touched. Thank you so much for honoring her. She is so loved and missed. I appreciate all your service on behalf of Nephi and its wonderful people! You are wonderful! Nickie Sperry Andreasen

  2. thank you. I don't get many responses to the over five hundred posts I have submitted so your note is appreciated. I felt forces from other side to tell the stories I have and the papers and journals, photos I have. thanks again.
