Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Welcome to Juab County, where some things change, but Mt. Nebo remain's constant forever.

Nephi and Juab County have been around since Mormon pioneer days, but things in life do change. We don't see as many horse races as we used to, but now adays we see a herd of bike racers, which include the "Tour of Utah". Indications are on this afternoon they will be on local roads in Mona through Nortonville then Nephi and on the loop road, so beware and give them plenty of space. For a little color, we thought we would throw in some photos of local stuff from several few years ago. The forever thing is our Mt. Nebo which will never change, nor should it. Let all the bike racers enjoy the view, but we hope they are careful around hairpin turn; Jones' Knoll, and for hell sake, they better watch for cattle at Devil's Kitchen as it is open range.

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