Saturday, August 25, 2018

When the LDS Third Ward/Stake house was built in Nephi during the 1950's, they called it "The church that Ross Garrett built".

In Nephi, Utah, there was rapid growth in the late 1940's, as World War Two boys were coming home. In 1951, Stake President Lester Belliston directed Bishop Ivan Tew to build a chapel, which would be known as the 4th Ward. Most folks were just getting used to more than two wards in Nephi, but all pitched in to help including folks that never stepped in a church. And no time to relax, as in 1954 young Ross Garrett became Stake President and not only raising kids; running a farm; County Comiss. and Utah Poultry Boss, but the higher ups told him to build a new Third Ward chapel, which would also be the Stake Center. Holy Mackerel, how could farm folks do it, especially when they had to cough up half the $400,000 cost, even though most just had only enough to buy a five cent bottle of pop at the Serv. Well, in steps a young whipper snapper by the name of Lee Olsen, who just rode in to Nephi and at the young age of 29, appointed Bishop of the Third Ward. Like the Lone Ranger, he and his wife stormed in; made money for his boss-Thermoid, and a financial genius to build and completly pay for the beautiful new chapel that remains as good looking and sturdy today as the day it was finished in 1960. And in a flash, the Olsen's disappeared. Now the rest of the story. Last week, the widow of Bishop Olsen returned to Nephi to express thanks for how well Nephi accepted their family. Now in her nineties, she wanted to donate to the DUP Museum the "Money Quilt" which she and the Relief Society made, asking whoever wanted their names sewed in 60 years ago, that their contributions were for the building fund, and the quilt auctioned off and although it didn't follow Auction 101 rules, it was invocative. The quilt is filled with hundreds of names, and for viewing at the Museum in Nephi. Congregation photo is by the pulpit(where the secret trap door was located) in the old North Ward chapel and you may find photo of Vic Jones; Marvin Garrett; KJ Sperry and Joe Smith. Photo of five men are prior Bishops of Third and North Wards showing Lee Olson; Dan Davis; Elgin Garrett; AE Smith and Wilford Bailey.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Brings back glimpses of memories. So grateful to be part of this community!
