Friday, July 12, 2019

"During Ute Stampede, Local Marshall Told To Leave Nephi!" Shocking & Bogus!

The first night of the Ute Stampede went pretty dang great, with bucking animals showing they are tough, even though some of the cowboys are the best in the world. Tickets still available for round two tonight. There was a minor incident, but no lasting damages, and I think the "Wanna Be Fake Marshall" will get over it, but it "Depends". Although some historians don't like to talk about all history, the Utah Territorial Jail in Nephi remains a historical structure. It was built in 1892 and as strong as ever. It was then modified to be the Juab County Jail when Utah became a state, and held such men as Butch Cassidy. Although it is seldom open to the public, the DUP and Juab County Travel Council found a local yokel and asked him to play the part of the Marshall to give tourists a chance to view it. People poured in for free soda, water; thirty year old baseball cards and old rodeo tickets. The first Marshall photo shows the old man as the gate keeper, at least until Constable Ross Tolley "spoiled" the act, when he said it is a violation of the law to pretend you are a Marshall, when you ain't one. Needless to say, it was embarrassing, but I give Ross credit for not giving me any special privileges, even though I was his favorite grand nephew. Second photo shows the Marshall walking away in his "Levi's of Tears". Some of the jail visitors listed their desperado names.


  1. Thanks for mentioning Grandpa Ross...he's "Up There" having a good chuckle right now!!! (You're his kind of guy)

    1. I appreciate you comments about Ross Tolley. If you send me a note at my regular e-mail at I will send you more Tolley stuff that you would be interested in.
