Saturday, July 6, 2019

Rob and Shan Heyborne are getting married next week so I sent them two tickets to the Venice Theater.

When it comes to family, that should be number ONE in our lives. For me, Number Two is history, then culture rolling in with the white ribbon. But what if.....just if, those three conflict, like it will with me a week from today! A nephew is getting married and I should attend....but that is the Ute Stampede in Nephi, America and I can't turn away from a family tradition since 1935. I sent my nephew a note to explain my absence at the ring thing, but now that may get me in more hot water. I included two front row tickets to the Venice Theater. After all he is a Mona boy and I used to be the Assistant Projectionist at the Venice in the early 1960's when Bob and Donna Anderson ran it with high class. I would even throw in a honeymoon suite at their El Tonya Motel. After the nephew started making phone calls to see what was playing at the Venice, I felt a little...well kinda...bad. Oh well, perhaps another weekend. The Venice opened at 78 S. Main Street in 1915; gutted by fire in 1983; demolished in 2001. The Arlington was a silent-era movie theater opening in 1909 and lasted for ten years at 82 N. Main, then eventually converted to a garage/home for Central Motor Company, then to a gas station. Merry Bells with a Bliss Kiss to Rob and Shan.

1 comment:

  1. How fun...How nice of you!!! I like history too & last week I was working on combining all my Nephi history pieces...including the Venice...with the Arlington I found in "They left a Record" which I had never heard of. Before I made it online to search, I opened your latest today & you answered my questions for me. Terrific.THANKS!!!
