Monday, July 8, 2019

If you have never seen or felt a real rodeo, here is your chance!

Rodeo's; the ranch and our western history are the backbone of America. If you are a city slicker or a Utahan gone local and ready for a bunch of bull, here is your chance to see what makes cowboy's tough. The Ute Stampede is in Nephi, Utah this week, and a great tradition for 85 years. Rumor has it, there is still tickets for Thursday night, and you will love every spurring moment of it. Years ago, the local Times News editor wrote an accurate description of how rural America we remain. Come to Nephi for a Yippee I Ole good time, and take your hat off for those volunteers who keep making this a family affair. Although this writer is bias, its a heck of a lot better than any sport you have to mortgage your ranch for to watch it with binoculars and best burgers this side of the Salt Creek Steak House.

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