Friday, March 13, 2020

Becoming a Senior Citizen has positive and negative factors.

The good part of getting older, is we often retire, as has the five kids of the Nephi Jones Family. That gives us more time to be together, rather than forced to watch television news; raise kids, or thinking it is the end of the world. The bad part of age is we sometimes forget important things we should remember, such as birthdays and peoples names. Such may be the case of the three Jones siblings who went fishing. It was fun to get out together, although it is cold, we did find peace and quiet with family togetherness. My sister asked me if I had a fishing license and so I showed her, and did so without my reading glasses on. She laughed and said it had expired 55 years ago! So today I hopped and skipped my way down to the hardware store that was named after Dee, Dale, Don and Dave and purchased a new one. Needless to say, the prices have changed. It is no longer $6.00, but $145.00. Oh well, the good thing is the new one doesn't expire until I do- being 4 or is it 5 feet underground! And yes, we wiped the fish clean of anything that we weren't used to, but us kids grew up drinking good water from the ditch or was in the canal! Life is good in Nephi, Utah.

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