Monday, March 23, 2020

Who art thou? We have newly discovered century old photos.

From time to time, people go through old cedar chests and low and behold, they come across artifacts and photos of long ago, but dear to our hearts. Such is the case today, when a "Tolley Twig" recovered several photos dating back to 1890. Since the arrival of Wm. Fisher Tolley to Utah during Mormon Pioneer days of the 1850's, there are thousands of Tolley descendant's scattered more than the western wind carries Tumbleweeds! One of those Tolley twigs is out of Arizona, and she wanted to get names on the back of the photos and to the proper family members. We will make a concerted effort to do so. We believe that each of the people and places are somehow related to a Tolley family member. This writer and wannabe historian is trying to piece it together under a home made microscope. If you are a Tolley family member or hitched your horse to one, please pass this information on to them. Enormous rewards.......well...maybe a letter of thanks await your response.

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