Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ruth Howard, a righteous person has been given a new heavenly assignment.

If you missed yesterdays worldly funeral of Ruth Howard, we will give you a brief of what I saw or felt, as well as a copy of the program. As I fear a direct hit by lightening, I frequently sit on the back row when attending a funeral held in a religious building of worship, as I did yesterday. It worked until another Jones sat next to me. He is a former Stake President, but still a Jones so not sure if that was a good or bad thing! It was difficult to hide at the celebration of the life of Ruth Howard, and not just because the Howard family is large, but she was born in the Belliston and Broadhead family, with all those names arriving in Nephi when Mormon pioneers set foot in the land held by Chief Juab; Ute Moccasins and the spirits of the Ancient Ones. I thought it was a clear sign of respect when the family started to enter the already filled chapel, and without a signal from the Undertaker to the Bishop(like a Bailiff) that normally stands at the podium and says "Please Rise". Reasoning was because Ruth's grandson was the Bishop walking in with the family. I attended the funeral, as I had personal feelings with Ruth's daughter-Linda, as we were both the "Class of 65", and like a family, we all knew and loved each other. Linda Howard, a friend to everybody, passed away just before our graduation. At the time I thought it was totally unfair that death had already consumed Bradley Brough, and now it was our Angel-Linda Howard. After the family departed the bone chilling wind at Vine Bluff, I remained and felt the warm comfort of Linda, and how great she felt that she, her mother and father are reunited again. To those left behind in this place we call earth-never fear, you now have another Guardian Angel to surround; protect and comfort you, and you will feel her at various times and places, and not just at Chuck-A-Rama, where she requested to have her last meal. The Ancient Ones feared death, so treasured items were buried with them, but Bill, Linda, Ruth and her brother Joe embraced it as a part of eternity. Worldly Death is but a gateway back Home.

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