Sunday, February 21, 2021


A few minutes ago, we wrote a one page thought of who this wanna be historian views as the history of the world, in so far as Invaders and Conquers are concerned. The first photo is of John Wayne, a Hollywood hero portraying a western Cowboy and the other is of Geronimo, who may have been the first known guerrilla type warfare leader. He and a small band of Indians fought off thousands of Mexican troops who came to Apache Territory to kill Indians and seek riches. He outwitted them, then came the Troops from the American Infantry, who met the same resistance. One has to learn of the why and wherefores of both the Mexicans, and of Geronimo, after Mexicans raped, killed and cut up the bodies of his wife and children. Mexicans were actually a mix of Invaders from Spain who were "savages" to the Aztec, Incas and Mayans. After a quarter century of the United States violating their own treaties, Geronimo was imprisoned and eventually died in 1909. John Wayne was our family hero in that he knew more about Nephi and Utah, then did US Airman Weston Jones, who sat next to him while Jones was on his way to fight in a country he couldn't' pronounce and John Wayne was on his way to film and make hero's out of Viet Nam Veterans. Second Print is of Bev Doolittle fame, showing the ghosts of by-gone Indians upset that the white man is invading scared grounds. Look at the photo and see if you can count how many Indians are watching the invader. The photo is the same ghosts watching the Mormons invade, even though their direction was to feed the Indians first if they could. The last photo shows Remington's print of Indians he was famous for. Then comes hand woven Navajo Sweet Grass, and a 1895 25-35 Winchester rifle, which can be used to shoot any intruder for which enemy this way comes. The very usable spear was made for an Apache movie regarding Geronimo. Learn the history of a world full of Invaders, then study what appears to be the trend to ruin America.


As a kid growing up in rural Utah during the 1950's, we played Cowboys and Indians after going to the local Saturday matinee movie. When TV came along, we cheered the Cowboy, who was portrayed as the "good guys" and the Indians were the bad. All kids were invited to play at the ole hollow; taking "forced" turns playing the Indians. At the time, my brother and I could not understand why a nearby old man, who had been a history teacher, yelled at us for playing there as it was "sacred grounds". A half century later, I learned the secret of the past. In the early days outside the Fort in Nephi, Utah, the local "good guys" slaughtered innocent Indians including children, who were mistaken to be the same people who killed pioneers heading up Salt Creek Canyon to settle in Sanpete County. Back then, the Cowboys and Mormon Pioneers didn't have the knowledge that bringing cattle to Indian Territory ate and tore up the grass and roots there of, which the Indians had used as food. If one looks at history books, there has always been a set of people who set out to conquer other countries, for what they thought was the ethical thing to do including Mormons; Catholics and non-Christians who wanted to teach religion and partially consider the Indians; Mayans, Incas; Aztec as unequal to themselves. Such a thought was not the first in world history. The Roman Empire invaded Britain in 43 A.D, partly so their Emperors could soothe themselves in the hot springs of Bath, England, which this writer had a chance of doing, but not at the mercy of killing people. Britain, then set out to be "Great" by invading, conquering and killing people in numerous countries, and often made slaves of the people from the African Continent, holding them in underground British cells, which this writer also visited and studied. Britain, along with other countries then invaded the "New World" which was later called the United States. But people had already lived here, and various historians report Africans, Mediterranean's, European white people and Asian had been here first. In fact, history experts maintain some of the first inhabitants in Utah were Paleo Archaic natives from 12,000 years ago, and John Heywood, the former Chief Justice of the Tennessee declared "the Cherokees oral tradition underlined such thoughts as people from the east, similar to Cain and Able and the account of the Tower of Babel". This writer believes that man has been conquering each other since our world began, only now we call it "Manifest Destiny" which is a legal term to take over another person's land; property or water for the welfare of all. This information is foundational for the theory of todays story of the Cowboys VS. Indians of modern day America. The answer to our leading question, is that both the Western Cowboy Era and the Indians or Ancient Ones who have lost or will lose their homes, heritage and culture and can be declared legal by the United States Congress, if we let them. Many Americans are watching as we are being invaded by illegal immigrants destined to change us; modify our history and culture. Additionally, many folks have voiced their opinion that the invaders are assisted by the enemies within, which is not much different that the history of the world from the beginning of time. Although just a theory, many of the old timers say the Old West of America will soon perish, as people; politicians; churches and money mongers will over-populate the farms and drinking water, and the Cowboy era will fade so we only rely on enemy countries to bargain for food. My thoughts today, is to learn from both the Cowboy and the Indian history, a task which I have attempted to take on for the past half-century in doing research and explorations throughout the world. Perhaps, just perhaps, we can learn from both. In the 1800's, one of the most fierce Apache fighters was Geronimo, who later became one of my many hero's. His Apache name was Goklayeh. He became embittered by the ruthless and disturbing murders of his family by Mexican troops in 1858. He and a few of his guerrilla bands ferociously fought and terrorized intruders entering the Apache lands of the Southwest. His small band fought off and killed thousands of horse soldiers of  the American and Mexican Infantry. All fighting parties did unhuman things, often leaving the bodies of the soldiers mutilated. The American Indian had learned from French Invaders how to rape and scalp the white people who invaded their lands. Although Buffalo Bill became famous for the hundreds of buffalo he killed for railroad workers, that act compounded the problem, as that was a main winter food for Plains Indians who always used all parts of the Buffalo to keep the food supply lasting hundreds of years. In rides John Wayne, and Hollywood movies portrayed him as the good cowboy and military hero, but a real life hero to this writer. During the Viet Nam War, he decked a protestor who belittled Jimmy Stewart, whose son was killed in that war and on another occasion, rode a plane to film in the Philippines for a movie called "Viet Nam" and wouldn't be involved with the press until he turned and saluted Airmen Weston Jones of Nephi, who was on his way to war and sat by him during the flight. He was a true Cowboy who we idealized, and in an 8 track I have he spoke about the importance of honoring our country and how all should identify ourselves by being an American, and not mixing it up with the country of your family origin. If I was to put other countries in front of being an American, I would have to say I am Welsh-English-French American. Although I am proud of my family heritage, I am more proud to declare I am an American, just like John Wayne repeated. I fear for the future of the Old West and the Proud Culture of the Native American Indian. Additionally, I am disturbed the Federal government wants to abolish the use of "Redskins" for an NFL team, and yet uses, without any known agreement, to continue to use Tomahawk Missiles; Apache; Blackhawk, Kiowa and Lakota helicopters. "Geronimo" was the now de-classified code name to kill Osama Bin Laden. This is the end of Part One and Part Two will show photos of some of the goodness and greatness of both the Cowboys and the Ancient Ones.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Nephi, Utah LDS Stake Homecoming of 1984. Get tickets early!

We know you have all been waiting to see this program, so here it is in all its splendor. Enjoy the Rainbow of your life, while we still have it. Unless it is written, read and felt, we will all eventually wander in to unknown bliss. Sing along with the Nephi Memmott brothers.

Nephi Utah LDS Anniversary and Homecoming of 1978

 In 1978, the LDS Stake celebrated the 127th year that Mormon Pioneers settled Salt Creek, which later changed their name to Nephi, Utah. We invite you to gander and ponder of who was involved in that celebration. Time marches on, but the memories of the people involved in the program will never be forgotten, although many have been directed to return to our real home, beyond the pearly gates, that each of us will eventually pass, regardless of how tough we think we are on earth. It is all a part of life.

Student photos from Juab School District during World War Two era.

Nannette Steed sent us some photos from student classes at Central School in Nephi, Utah and from Juab High School, one depicting gals in front of the Old gym on Track Street and boys in front of a side door that led into the work shop. Nannette has identified her father-Clark Ostler, with an arrow pointing to him, but we are unable to identify the others. You are welcome to let Nannette Steed know who they are, as she doing research on her fathers family and friends. Clark was born in 1929. Perhaps some will identify the exact year by looking at the car and you can see the second Forrest Hotel/Colonial Manor on Main Street. Have fun.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

In 1966, you could get all the news in the Juab High School Clarion

This student publication shows all the news you ever needed to know about the close knit family of kids at Juab High School. Students didn't just learn how to do things in class, but engaged by doing. Seek ye those of the Juab High Class of 1966 and pay tribute to those who gave their best in the time they had and to the excellent teachers and administrators who guided well.


How in the world did many Juab High students dance so poorly in 1965, but became so good at what they wanted to do in life, including King Joel Winn who went on to rodeo circuit fame; Lynn Bailey, a good cattle herder; Terry Brown, a business guru; Evelyn Neilson a Senior Citizen specialist. And then there was Gary B. Jones, who wrote four books and raced the Iditarod. Today, we show you proof of all the gals Gary B. didn't dance with, but fun to look at all of the students of Juab High, Class of 66. Back then, all students were family, and if you trip and fall during your last dance, don't panic, you will be in good hands with Kay Anderson.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


Yup- Troy, your special day was Feb.13,1980. I love you mucho gusto kid and I can never forget all the magical and mystical things that happened during your life on earth. As you know, I was seriously hurt  during a Scout project before your birth, and although I don't like to "cast my pearls before swine", I wanted folks to know why both of us have experienced more than the "nine lives of a cat". I promised folks on the the other side-that I would stay in this world until you have overcome the issues you would be faced with on earth, as many of us do. I now believe you are on the right path of life, and I will continue to be here until I am properly called back to our real home, and as you know, we all have guardians to help us here. Sometimes, life on earth is pure hell, but stay the course, as there are unknown reasons why we are given the opportunity to learn for our future. I do admire you- Troy Coyn Jones. You proudly make sure you carry the middle name of your grandfather-Alma Coyn Jones. He too, is my hero, but so are you, although I don't express it enough. I like to experience the world; touch it; study it; see it, and feel it within. You have my DNA, as you have had different jobs that most men will never think of. We know you were in the military for a year, and that was far longer than me or your grandfather. You have worked in mines; landscapes; selling novelties; equipment; putting up signs; making T-shirts; repairing cars; putting in solar panels; running computers in the USA  Air Force; helping humanity and yet still have the yearn to search for your future, as I do. I bow my hat to you. Please continue to swing at the bat of life, as I am tired and now in the twilight of my years on earth. I love you kid. Happy Birthday to you my kin, and all others that are valiant in your behalf. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021


If you didn't attend the 80th birthday shin dig his family put on, don't feel bad, as Bob Garrett wasn't invited either. It took a team of plug horses to drag him to the party. It wasn't easy, as if you know Bob Garrett, you can't help but know it is a fight to get him anywhere he would be honored. But nobody deserves it more than him. When the get together was mentioned, he would have rather had all of his cowboy friends and cattle associates wait til spring then have a "gathering" for all. He was finally convinced his real love is Family, and like a hard headed mule he is, he attended and spoke of his kids and grandkids whom he dearly loves with real tears flowing. It was clear this old cowboy loves his family and friends including those who have passed. On a personal note, I think this writer, more than most, have recognized that since we are not only cousins, but neighbors, and both recluctikly joined "The Club" four years ago when both of our golden kids chose to go before us. Such an event affects families forever, and we each go through our own type of grieving. If you don't know Bob, who is our Juab County version of John Wayne, you should. Like his mother, he will be kickin horseshit til he is 100, and just getting over broken ribs after getting bucked off a horse while gathering cattle. Additionally, I don't think anybody around the Nephi base of the Ute Stampede has ever put in as much volunteer sweat and work for such a great event, just like others in that long standing celebration including his Dad and kids. And if you haven't listened to his straight forward cussing and moaning, it means You Just Kaint Handle The Truth! It sounds personal, but he is just being honest and giving his thought, and brilliant enough to listen to your version and man enough to modify his vote. In the 1950's, I first started to drive a tractor for his father-Joe Garrett, and popped the clutch and threw Bob off the top of the hay wagon. He walked up to give me instructions, then after we unloaded, he drove the lesson deep within by holding me under the well water tank long enough to teach me a lesson. I have nothing but love, respect, and admiration for this man who still enforces the good work ethics a cowboy has to have. I am not much of a drinker, but to Bob Garrett, I gladly tip my hat and a shot of Canadian Whiskey to the Cowboy of Cowboys. In the movies, John Wayne was a hero. In real life, he was the same, being a straight shooter, decking a Viet Nam protester. Just like Bob Garrett, he is the guy who started the salute to Veterans at the rodeo, which is the true American sport of sports. And thanks for "Lil Joe" and his mother-Megan Garrett for helping put this college; collection or collage together.

Friday, February 5, 2021


If you have read the King James Version of the Bible, you may have heard of the "Sticks" such as the "Two sticks in Ezekiel and the "Stick of Judah". Well today, a modern day "Stick" has been located west of Nephi. Today we will be the Lost and Found Department and seek whoever lost it. In the Bavaria area of Germany, this kind of stick is like a body part to hikers, and adored with various carvings or items and emblems. We have a few in the Jones family, all of which have been used by various people when we broke body sticks! The one found today appears to be of great value to whoever lost it and we will keep until such time it is recognized. It is a modern day walking stick with the emblem of the Union Pacific on it, but other writing appears to be ancient Hebrew or what I would call "gobbly gook", as well as a modern day carving of a transporter and words of "Bone Deep Testimony". The photo below is the top of the four foot Stick, and once the bottom half is described to this writer, we hope to walk it back to its owner. A note to the e-mail of would be delightful and we will give a YAHOO if we can return it. The finders were two local cowboys who knew it was valuable but not the stick that Moses turned into a Snake or was that Charles Heston?  Seek and ye shall find so says Jones. Let it be written and let it be said.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

THE GHOSTS GO WEST-A story involving Mystery, Fantasy and Intrigue

Some of this incident is real, especially the acting cast in this Juab High School Play. We are not sure of the year, but suspect it was in or about 1966. If you weren't there to watch, perhaps you will get a grin of glee to read of the real characters who did what they did at Big Joe Jude's Deserted Ranch.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


If you haven't read the first three parts or chapters to this as true as can be lead to believe murder, the reader may return to the entries made on Jan 9; 20th and 23th of 2021. For the sake of time, space and this old man's energy, we will go right to the "quick" of what we have been told or can ascertain with written notes or paper clippings and talking with the major source of the saga-D. Robert Carter, who we have been in telephonic communication with and his notes are found with quote marks. Last time we left on with the chief killer of the son of a sheep man to be Ike Cartwright, who had been the chief herder for the Nephi Price Family when the victim was shot in the back with a .45 revolver. But a murder charge was dropped and Ike was a free man for several years. "Around 1921, Mrs. Cartwright, at age 52, gave up her unsavory union with Ike and and began divorce proceedings for cruelty and threats against her, moving in with her 21 year old daughter-Adelaide Wilson and her young family in Payson." Ike continued his violence and quarreled with his son Robert, a resident of Eureka, and took a pot shot at him. "In 1922, the maniacal man sharpened a long butcher knife and made his 12 year old son an offer to slit his mothers throat". Robert Carter, the newspaper guru, said the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News had a history of different opinions of things even back then. The Deseret News claimed Cartwright offered his son $15 to cut his mothers throat. The Tribune said it was the father who wanted to die, and he tendered $15 to the son if he would cut Ike's throat or slice his wrists for him". Perhaps both papers were right! Regardless, the son turned the demonic deed down. A year later, Ike learned of his wife filing divorce. He left his job at the Nephi Plaster Mill, which was at the top of Track Street near the mouth of the Canyon. He visited friends until ten, appearing to be nervous. He stopped at the City Meat Market Slaughterhouse and bought a second hand Colt .38 pistol he had previously used to kill cattle for meat. He put it in his pocket and went down to what us old locals call Depot Street and boarded the 1:25 train to Payson. At 2:30 A.M. he walked to his daughters house. He knew his son-in-law, Leslie Wilson was at work in Milford, so he took his shoes off and went in the house through a back window and crawled through the home. He removed his suit coat and folded it inside out, placing it on the dining room table with the inside pocket exposed, as an envelope protruded outward. Ike had scrawled the following three sentences on that envelope: "There is money in the bottom of the stove in the parlor. Things are in the seller. I loved you all to well". He then crawled to where his young son Ted normally slept, but the kid had been at a neighbors. "He then slunk to the second bedroom where Mrs. Cartwright; daughter Adelaide and her two young children slept". Adelaide heard Ike; woke up and saw him with the pistol and grappled with him. The weapon fell to the ground but Ike was able to retrieve it and struck his daughter over the head with it.  She screamed and ran to next door neighbors-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daniels. Mrs. Cartwright lay in bed with paralyzing fear. Ike took deliberate aim and pumped one slug into his wife's head, just above the eye. She died several hours later. "Satisfied that his wife was mortally wounded, Ike playing the role of a self appointed one man firing squad, placed the muzzle of his own .38 to his forehead and pulled the trigger. He died instantly. According to writer Robert Carter, who wrote for the Daily Herald and access to various other newspaper articles wrote in summary "After acting as a vigilante committee for 27 long years, Ike's guilty conscious finally accomplished something conventional lawmen could not brought punishment to the reprehensible murderer of Louis Price". To this writer, that brings a lot of circumstantial evidence to the culprit who in a cold blooded manner, shot our 16 old victim to death above Nephi. A desperado can be convicted on Circumstantial Evidence, such as a fingerprint, but with Court rulings nowadays, Direct Evidence is best. So, each reader can make their own verdict. For this writer, who has some experience with murder cases, has a ton of other questions such as: what happened to the .44 or .45 Revolver? Was in placed in evidence? Did a modern day law enforcement officer take old evidence and arrest records to the junkyard?  Of the still standing Jail where Ike Cartwright was held, is there a secret compartment for old evidence on the little known two bottom floors of that jail? And the final question is what did the "Paranormal Pulse" team discover in the area where the first suspect lived in a hut and below the Plaster Mill where Ike worked. While we wait a written report from the seven people involved with that, we will have to add at least one more chapter, and then perhaps in the Spring or Summer, the "Ghost Hunters" would like to check the murder scene and many other readers would like to hike along. Sometimes hideous history is ghostly and gruesome, but if we can find more evidence, involved families may find some comfort in knowing the truth, the whole truth and well, mostly the truth!

This is the Juab High School Class of 1966, absent Uncle Sluggo.

Back in the "good ole days", there wasn't a lot of bullies around like we see today. It could have been we didn't have any hand held phones to badger people. Regardless, if somebody did get pushed around, the abuser would often find him or her smacked around by "Uncle Sluggo", who was called on to be the enforcer against bullies. The classmates were and are still family and if somebody was dealt unfairly, the matter was taken to behind the school for "after school" lessons. By the way, why do the call it "Program of Exercises?". I never did see any push ups when I attended this gaduation(Juab term).

They were in cahoots with this act in 1969, so today we expose their "Memories"

Many of these good people have been called to participate in more heavenly type functions, but some are still among us, and families of the people involved, so we want to expose the things of the past, so their good deeds on earth never go unnoticed or unappreciated. These were the good times when hand held communication devices were not needed for entertainment.