Friday, February 5, 2021


If you have read the King James Version of the Bible, you may have heard of the "Sticks" such as the "Two sticks in Ezekiel and the "Stick of Judah". Well today, a modern day "Stick" has been located west of Nephi. Today we will be the Lost and Found Department and seek whoever lost it. In the Bavaria area of Germany, this kind of stick is like a body part to hikers, and adored with various carvings or items and emblems. We have a few in the Jones family, all of which have been used by various people when we broke body sticks! The one found today appears to be of great value to whoever lost it and we will keep until such time it is recognized. It is a modern day walking stick with the emblem of the Union Pacific on it, but other writing appears to be ancient Hebrew or what I would call "gobbly gook", as well as a modern day carving of a transporter and words of "Bone Deep Testimony". The photo below is the top of the four foot Stick, and once the bottom half is described to this writer, we hope to walk it back to its owner. A note to the e-mail of would be delightful and we will give a YAHOO if we can return it. The finders were two local cowboys who knew it was valuable but not the stick that Moses turned into a Snake or was that Charles Heston?  Seek and ye shall find so says Jones. Let it be written and let it be said.

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