Sunday, February 21, 2021


A few minutes ago, we wrote a one page thought of who this wanna be historian views as the history of the world, in so far as Invaders and Conquers are concerned. The first photo is of John Wayne, a Hollywood hero portraying a western Cowboy and the other is of Geronimo, who may have been the first known guerrilla type warfare leader. He and a small band of Indians fought off thousands of Mexican troops who came to Apache Territory to kill Indians and seek riches. He outwitted them, then came the Troops from the American Infantry, who met the same resistance. One has to learn of the why and wherefores of both the Mexicans, and of Geronimo, after Mexicans raped, killed and cut up the bodies of his wife and children. Mexicans were actually a mix of Invaders from Spain who were "savages" to the Aztec, Incas and Mayans. After a quarter century of the United States violating their own treaties, Geronimo was imprisoned and eventually died in 1909. John Wayne was our family hero in that he knew more about Nephi and Utah, then did US Airman Weston Jones, who sat next to him while Jones was on his way to fight in a country he couldn't' pronounce and John Wayne was on his way to film and make hero's out of Viet Nam Veterans. Second Print is of Bev Doolittle fame, showing the ghosts of by-gone Indians upset that the white man is invading scared grounds. Look at the photo and see if you can count how many Indians are watching the invader. The photo is the same ghosts watching the Mormons invade, even though their direction was to feed the Indians first if they could. The last photo shows Remington's print of Indians he was famous for. Then comes hand woven Navajo Sweet Grass, and a 1895 25-35 Winchester rifle, which can be used to shoot any intruder for which enemy this way comes. The very usable spear was made for an Apache movie regarding Geronimo. Learn the history of a world full of Invaders, then study what appears to be the trend to ruin America.

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