Thursday, February 11, 2021


If you didn't attend the 80th birthday shin dig his family put on, don't feel bad, as Bob Garrett wasn't invited either. It took a team of plug horses to drag him to the party. It wasn't easy, as if you know Bob Garrett, you can't help but know it is a fight to get him anywhere he would be honored. But nobody deserves it more than him. When the get together was mentioned, he would have rather had all of his cowboy friends and cattle associates wait til spring then have a "gathering" for all. He was finally convinced his real love is Family, and like a hard headed mule he is, he attended and spoke of his kids and grandkids whom he dearly loves with real tears flowing. It was clear this old cowboy loves his family and friends including those who have passed. On a personal note, I think this writer, more than most, have recognized that since we are not only cousins, but neighbors, and both recluctikly joined "The Club" four years ago when both of our golden kids chose to go before us. Such an event affects families forever, and we each go through our own type of grieving. If you don't know Bob, who is our Juab County version of John Wayne, you should. Like his mother, he will be kickin horseshit til he is 100, and just getting over broken ribs after getting bucked off a horse while gathering cattle. Additionally, I don't think anybody around the Nephi base of the Ute Stampede has ever put in as much volunteer sweat and work for such a great event, just like others in that long standing celebration including his Dad and kids. And if you haven't listened to his straight forward cussing and moaning, it means You Just Kaint Handle The Truth! It sounds personal, but he is just being honest and giving his thought, and brilliant enough to listen to your version and man enough to modify his vote. In the 1950's, I first started to drive a tractor for his father-Joe Garrett, and popped the clutch and threw Bob off the top of the hay wagon. He walked up to give me instructions, then after we unloaded, he drove the lesson deep within by holding me under the well water tank long enough to teach me a lesson. I have nothing but love, respect, and admiration for this man who still enforces the good work ethics a cowboy has to have. I am not much of a drinker, but to Bob Garrett, I gladly tip my hat and a shot of Canadian Whiskey to the Cowboy of Cowboys. In the movies, John Wayne was a hero. In real life, he was the same, being a straight shooter, decking a Viet Nam protester. Just like Bob Garrett, he is the guy who started the salute to Veterans at the rodeo, which is the true American sport of sports. And thanks for "Lil Joe" and his mother-Megan Garrett for helping put this college; collection or collage together.

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