Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 After Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the folks back in Illinois and Missouri had a hatred for the Mormons and even political leaders opposed them and many of them were slaughtered for their Constitutional Right of Religious Freedom. After Joseph and his brother were murdered, Brigham Young took leadership, and headed for "No Man's Land" which is now Utah. But even today, Anti-Mormons continue to harass them and did that in Arkansas of 1857. Prior to that, the name Parley P. Pratt were considered the pinnacle of leadership in the Mormon faith, with Parley exploring parts of the west prior to the arrival of the first Mormons here. His job was to seek out livable places where streams flowed. Although famous trappers had informed the Church Leaders the land was like a Deseret, but it did in fact "blossom like a rose" as Brother Brigham had predicted. First Mormons that entered the Valley came down Immigration Canyon, but then Parley found church volunteers to build a road down "Parley's" Canyon, which was easier to do. In my early studies of Brother Pratt, it appeared that some of his dealings may have touched on possible "misuse" of Church Members and their money, like some politicians do the same with your tax dollars. Parley charged non Mormons to come down his toll bridge that were on their way to find Gold in California, while others belief the money should have gone to the church. At any rate- even today, Parley P. Pratt's name is synonymous with his vast knowledge and leadership of  LDS church, which he joined at age 23, after reading the Book of Mormon. Another such brilliant historian was a man named B.H. Roberts. He was also a theologian, scholar and Church Leader. He defended the Book of Mormon, and said the book could withstand rigors, academic scrutiny. But he was also considered quite complex in dealing with people, as he often played the Devils Advocate to outwit his opponents that another world existed outside the realm of the Middle East where Jesus traveled. As Mormons believe in sending missionaries' throughout the world to seek out faithful people to join the church, two had gone to Arkansas, but were murdered there by Anti-Mormons, one of which was Parley P. Pratt. The bad guy was full of hate, his name being Hector McLean. Pratt was stabbed and shot and before he died his request was that his body be shipped back to Utah for burial. Behold in comes riding B.H. Roberts who is always dressed fine and dandy like the Church leaders are, but not when going to Arkansas. He was dressed as a Hobo, and he was able to get the body out of that state and back to Utah. Newspapers throughout America applauded the murder of this Mormon, and the killer was never criminally charged. Our family has lots of photographs and journals that we had already returned to the Church when Brigham Young and others would past through Nortonville, where a branch of the LDS church was. Those items were left in the Nephi Jones Family til recently. I had the copy of the original photograph of the bum look alike and a copy should be attached. Although a Church Historian said it was worth a lot of money, to me it belonged to the LDS church, which it was given, as well as various other journals and papers of Brigham Young. In talking to Church bigwigs, we found inside information that Parley Pratt was going back to assist Elanor Macomb who was an estranged husband Hector, and Pratts 12th Plural Wife. That was at a time, when Pologamy was a functional part of early Mormonville This writer may be a little complex, but now you know.......the rest of the story.

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