Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Sperry Family-Original Settlers of Salt Creek/Nephi

It is interesting to listen to people, especially local politicians, that claim to have lived in Nephi since it was settled in 1851. Although Brigham Young had sent Scouts out to find places where the early Mormon Pioneers could find water and feed their animals, we have already named the original 17 families who actually spent the first night here. One family was the Sperry Family, and if you look and talk to folks, you will often see or meet one of the Sperry Family Members from way back. Today, we honor three Sperry members who I personally knew, and thought the world of them. They were all special God sent servants who would do anything for their neighbor or anyone else in our rural area. Rheta Sperry was my across the street neighbor who made a deal with her sisters. Alean and Mable would teach school; while Rheta would clean the house and cook and all of them including brother Don would do what work he could find and nobody took care of their rose garden better than them. I list some of Gods special people, one of which pushed me to write this. My guess it was K.J. who gave me good advice when he was my LDS Bishop such as "I should kick you in the butt" but his loving but stern words were enough. And yes, the stolen ink blotter was returned to Kay Carroll, daughter of Miles Anderson yesterday, and with interest. It appears we "accidently" stole it 75 to hundred years ago, when we needed to blot the ink on a sign in book at a funeral after turning it over on it its felt back. I will blame it on George A. Sperry, who was former Principal of Nephi High and back then he was permitted to use a ruler on the top of your head, and if you didn't have a brain, he would hit your ass and parents would back him. Or maybe it was Don Sperry, who we locked in our barn when we were young and stupid. Lot better than being old and stupid I guess.

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