Monday, December 19, 2022

We acknowledge the work and devotion of Minnie Jane Depriest Smith

It is 80 Years late, but we think it is time to acknowledge her! A few decades ago, most residents of Wayne or Juab County, Utah would quickly recall the name of A.E. Smith of Nephi, Utah. We was a highly respected and recognizable figure in Utah. He was not only the North Ward Bishop of the LDS Church, but the local Agriculture Agent for the United States Department of Agriculture. In the 1940's and 50's, local agriculture was an important ingredient as what made Juab the "Key" County of Utah. Not so much any more, as politicians have permitted that to go astray. When A.E. Smith came from Wayne County, LaVon Harris was delighted when she was called to be his secretary. I recall fondly that my mother-LaVon, not only cherished her Boss, but his wife-Minnie, who was not only the main support for A.E. but they adored her, much like they did the two foster kids they took in. Back in those days, a woman was not always called by their first names, but a Miss or Mrs. and then the rest of their husband names. So today we give a hearty thanks to Minnie for her time and devotion, not just to her husband, but for her work in her church in Primary; Organist; Relief Society, but the work she did in the 4-H. That was at a time when volunteers did most of the work around town, not at the taxpayer expense like they do now. This Minnie Was A Mighty when it came to Head to clearer thinking; Heart to greater loyalty; Hands to larger service and Health to better living! She was all of that in going through my mothers history collection. And thanks to all the 4-H Leaders everywhere. The handbook of Minnie was given to the Juab County Extension office for their Collectors section. It may be old, as one of the National Officers of the 4-H was named "Moses". 

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