Saturday, January 21, 2023


We are not exactly sure how old or young she is as she has always been our "little sister" for a quite some time. When our Dad took us up to the Juab County Hospital to look through the window at our new baby sister, we were all happy, but befuddled. When us boys got together later, we were trying to figure out how she was going to 'fit in" to playing Cowboys and Indians, as that was a natural thing to do in the Olde Hollow or anywhere we chose to play. And if we didn't have a real Roy Rogers Cap gun, we used a long stick. Well, she fit in and liked that more than dolls. When we got a little older, we gladly accepted our Dads acknowledgement that she was the "best boy of the whole herd" and we found out she really was. She could out shoot and out ride a horse anyday. Not only that, she became the instant caregiver for not only her kids, but all of us big boys who got an itsy teeny bit of scrap on our knees.Thank goodness God granted us a little girl who saved my own life on a couple occasions and always around to help out a neighbor or anybody in need. She has been a lifesaver. And if you see the smile that is always on her face, she has a positive mind and heart and all genuine. And the later portion of this blog shows something I wrote a few years ago on  her birthday. If you , but be careful, as she has that Tolley/Jones wit too. And on the last page, if you can't figure out what the hell I ran over,  call or send a note to our little sis. I will clue her in. And if you know where she lives, take a gander at the Jones family home she restored from the old log house it used to be when built 133 Years ago. And yes she knows how to driver a hammer and hit the square nails too.

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