Saturday, January 28, 2023

JUAB HIGH SHOOL GRADUATES OF 1989-Where are they now?

When I graduated from the old Juab High school, their was about 100 of us, and that included the auditorium and girls gym. My father helped build the old school when it was being build in 1923, and said it would last 100 years, which it is now and used as the County complex. The community protested(they were right) but school officials voted against it and advised to have it condemned(they were wrong), and it withstood and still in good shape. The Class of 1989 was one of the first to use your new complex, and I hear tell the school wants more money to build another and use taxpayers money, not school funds. Like most governments, they think the money is free, but hope students know there is more in the school than just the sports and pep clubs. Oh well, Congratulations kids. Here is a photo of each graduate; the program and committees. This is just a guess, but quite certain teachers were glad to see the departure of my Nephew-Shane Jones, like the day I was kicked out of Kindergarten at the old Central School(Nephi's First High School). And if Shannon Sutorius was better known in 1989, she would have out sang Bette Milder in "Wind Beneath My Wing". A song that still beckons my heart forever. 

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