The annual rodeo at the Ute Stampede continues to bring all people together for great entertainment and the old fashion way of beast and humans working together but competing against each other. It was handled great last night and the rodeo burgers are the best there is. All seats have been sold out but there's still room to squeeze you in. Last night the Nephi Jones Family are pictured on the last row with Jaynette, Hal, Kent, Weston and Number One Jones. And plenty of room to park so you don't have to park on the railroad tracks this year. Thanks to all of the volunteers of the Ute Stampede for the past 89 years.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Carl Parkin was 77 Years old and raised at the pictured house on 4th East in Nephi. His father was Frank Parkin, and mother Ellen. She passed away when Chopper was a teenager, and his Dad then married Vida, who brought in kids, but they managed to get along. Carl often looked up to his brother-Fred, who during the early 1960's was one of the National Guardsmen activated to help guard the Satellite Dish west of Levan. At the time, Communist Russia was threatening the destruction of America and Juab High School protocol was to send all students to "secret" rooms under the School's bottom floor where food was hidden. When threats subsided, I was one of the part time janitors to dump the millions of taxpayer dollars of the spoiled food and supplies. Maybe, just maybe, that is why Chopper dropped out of Juab High before his 1965 graduation and joined the U.S. Army and completed more than 8 years, along with 2 Tours of Duty in Nam. Similar to the "Seabees" of World War Two, Carl was a trained Engineer for Combat, who helped build bridges and other structures to penetrate enemy forces and to assist the Allied Command. He was one of the silent but strong guys with a heart of gold like his mother. As a young whippersnapper, I also got acquainted with his grandmother who lived on Track Street in a pioneer home that was forced to be torn down to make way for a new elementary school playground. His grandma also had a heart of gold, and if you look at the photo of Carl and the pup he adorned in the Army, one can understand his love and devotion, not just for dogs and horses, but his "Brothers In Arms" becoming a Staff Sgt. When he and his lifelong buddies recently went fishing, it was easy to see the real love for his wife-Maria, from BadNeustadt, Germany. Carl had the crippling disease of COPD; so on oxygen and bound to a wheelchair, but could fish and still drink coffee. Maria and Carl met at a NCO club as a photo will show, and back then in 1967, I can see that Carl's face shows that once in a lifetime love for ever and Maria is smilin as if to say "I got this handsome stud forever". After the Army, Carl worked with his hands and good they were. In one photo, it will show that a part of the "Dean" of Juab woodturners was Dean Shaw, and perhaps that helped to motivate Carl to make those two rocking chairs for his grandchildren. He turned out to be a typical Nephi Horselover and rider and Tennis player, then retired after working Airport Security in Salt Lake. They have two living kids; ten or so grandchildren and used each others shoulder to cry on when they lost their daughter to brain cancer. Tammy Cowburn was 45, with Chopper tearing up at her wedding photo. A celebration of life to honor Frank Carl Parkin will be held July 15, 2023 from 11;30 to 2 PM at Wheeler Historic Farm, with his earthly remains being secured at the Vinebluff Cemetery in Nephi, Utah on July 20, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. with Military rites provided by American Legion, Nephi Post No. 1. Come hell or high water, his genuine smile never changed. We could all use a little more "Chopper" in us.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Adolf Hitler was an evil man with a sinister plot that few Germans saw in 1933. Hitler obtained the necessary votes at the Reichstag, and became Chancellor, then modified his leadership and stole the name of NAZI and its symbol, which had been used by the Ancient American Indians and the Buddhist's of long ago. His reign blamed Germany's economic woes on a race of people that were different than that of a German, and his speeches were organized by he and others in a Munich bar. Many of the local's could feel the bad man they put in office, but most were using a wheelbarrow full of paper money just to get bread for their kids and were forced to go along with it, and according to Gerhard, Americans are doing the same foolish thing now. Having interviewed many German citizens and former Nazi Soldiers over there was good to hear both sides. I used a military interpreter to listen to their side after my sense of innermost ill feeling as we breached the off limits "shower" rooms at Dachau, not far from Munich. As their were a few German families that had the sense to "Get the Hell Out of Dodge", they did so with the family of Gerhard Koenig with his parents and siblings. I have been well acquainted with their whole family for several decades and had utmost respect and admiration for Gerhard and his very American support of military zeal for freedom. He was a world traveler; hard worker, and excellent family man, even though his body was cancer riddled with pain, but came to Nephi to visit and to see an excellent local Doctor who instantly referred him to the Huntsman, but not able to get him in quick enough. While visiting, I did tell him "I was not even a horse Doc", but he had to put off work and get to a real Doc immediately. And thanks to his sister-Elke, who has been his life line guide and driver. His eyes pierced mine and it was if he was singing that song of long along, "There is a time for living and a time for dying". When he got home, he laid on the floor to ease the pain of a hernia, and was transferred to where there is no pain, only aches for those that will miss him here. It wasn't long ago that he buried his brother, and arrived early to put American flags at the gravesite. A celebration of his life will be held tonight in SLC, but my old printer doesn't seem to work from Larkin Funeral Homes, so you may have to look it up from your area. If is not here, you will understand my ER visit today for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction didn't work out. Thanks for sisters and to Gerhard, as you are one of the best American Patriots I know and did so without a shot being fired.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
As a kid growing up in Nephi, the two main things we looked forward to was the annual Deer Hunt and the three days and night's of the Ute Stampede. The Nephi Jones Boys have eased up on the deer hunt, mainly because homes and roads ruined the winter feeding ground of the deer, so the important thing to do is hit the rodeo next weekend and buck all night! Although I miss smelling the great tobacco smell of the Cowboys, you will still get a kick out of it, and that ain't no Bull. Although we always go to the National Rodeo Finals in Vegas, the tickets there may break your bank account. At the Stampede, they have always been a low price and we put a couple ticket stubs' on to show you. And make sure you try a Rodeo Burger or two. We have a new motel in town and a high class Trailer Court, so come and enjoy it. For the folks that come down from the north, please don't park on the railroad tracks like last year.
Friday, July 7, 2023
If you ask any person in the United States Military, which branch they served in, you may get a lot of different ideas. As they are frequently changing or adding to the branches, they may all be correct. In World War Two, prior to them being called "Frogman" or "Navy Seals" they were "Underwater Demolition Teams" and the father of Nephi's Clyde Gowers was one, but he was very quiet about what ever he did in the war, and kept to that silence til his death. We all thought he was just a quiet guy, but often times the quiet ones are the ones to have on your side of the firing line. The main branches are the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and the Coast Guard. Now I hear tell, they have a new one called "Space Force". All are needed and I suppose that is why they need the billion dollar Pentagon to keep track of who is where. For me, I was always proud to have Uncles and my father considered World War One and Two veterans; then had three brothers serve during the Vietnam War or if you speak to a local from Saigon they would call it the "American War", as a few years before the French fought them, but like us they withdrew as both sides were "shot to hell". And today, I was proud to hang a graduation photo of a grand nephew-Tanner Jones, the oldest son of Travis and Karen Jones. He aced Juab High; a foreign LDS Mission; Snow College, then set his telescopic sights on the Military. Some say it is the second hardest to the Marines, but who knows for sure. The Coast Guard is going through its toughest combat time now, as the Southern Border is an open door to illegals coming in and they are not just bringing in billions of illegal drugs that are killing citizens, but millions of illegals and drugs on boats and it is the Coast Guard who is assigned to stop and search, and like the front line, you kill or be killed. His plague hangs on my wall. I thought we would also throw in the before and after photos of "Doc" Hal Jones who was an upfront Medic in Nam, who took the place of Blair Wilkey of Nephi, who had just been taken out by the enemy. Hal still fits.....well sort of, in his uniform.
Sunday, July 2, 2023
It is hard to believe, but this kid is more than a half century old, but still young enough to celebrate the Nephi Jones Boys way and head to Lost Wages, Nevada. But both he and Vickie deserve it. Shane has always been a hard worker that may be a DNA trait, as his great, great Grandfather was doing that in 1852 when Edward Jones arrived in Nephi on order from Brigham Young. And although Juab High has great sports champs, they seem to have forgot how to teach students how to work hard and live life on earth. To make things more "Even-Steven", Shane is one of the hardest workers and players I know and I have witnessed a train load of No-Accounts that want everything "At No Cost To You"! If you examine the one photo of March, 1982, it shows Shane on the far right cutting trees down with a chainsaw. Along with him is Alma Jones; Kent and Justin Jones, then Shane. Where they are standing is where I now live and able to save one apple tree that was planted in 1885, the same year the Barn and Jones home on 7th North were built. Most school officials never ever thought Shane would make it to Juab High Graduation, but proof is in the pudding and print with the square around his photo. and the toe head good looking youngster is Shane. By the way Shane, congratulations on graduation, as I know one of your Uncles that was kicked out of Kindergarten. There are times in life when hard work deserves some play time, but if you do that in Vegas, all things don't really stay there, so make sure you have a good partner with you to get you back to the Orleans Hotel and not have to spend the night sleeping it off laying on the streets. Next to Washington D.C. Vegas remains a very high crime area, and in more ways than you expect from thugs!
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Several years ago when I was trying my luck with University Studies, I "may" have been a little different! That actually may not be too different than what others thought of me 50 years ago and now. Anywho, I was attending a well know University that was dangerous to attend, only because there was many a parent who directed their daughters there to avoid another local University where I was eventually in the Educational Psychology Masters Program. At my first University, I was working as a janitor at night in order to pay for more classes during the day. Because of the cost involved, my goal was focused on being a graduate, and eventually obtained an Undergraduate Degree in Law Enforcement. I didn't want to date, as somehow, dating causes people to either fall in Lust or Love, either of which could interfere with my studies. However, I tripped and fell one delightful day-as predicted, but didn't hit the sidewalk like I did a couple years. ago. Today, we will call her "Betty" or perhaps "Beautiful Betty". We talked and walked and one day, I did the decent thing, and asked her on a date. She lived with her folks. I was nervous and awkward knocking on the door. Mommy answered my thunderous rap on their screen door and invited me in. I met Daddy, whose hand grip reminded me of shaking hands with Sonny Liston or Levans Golden Mangelson, even when he was older. Without much chitter chatter, he got right down to brass tacks and asked "What is your motive for dating my daughter?" What the Hell was that all about? I thought I could humor my way out of that, but I was so shocked, I stumbled and stuttered, and blamed the muffled flatulence on the dog, even though they didn't have a dog! The date was fun and we enjoyed each other at bowling. Regardless of how much I liked "Bouncing Betty", I stuck with my studies, then went to work. During 42 years involving 30,000 Interviews, Investigations and Interrogations about criminals around the world, I still wanted to understand a persons MOTIVE, for what ever they did or didn't do. I retired and moved back to my rural hometown as a Member of the Nephi City Council, even though I often said how much I disliked politicians as they often spoke to hear their own voice. I knew exactly what my motive was for running. It served two separate motives. First, I wanted to give back to the greatest small town in the world, and I made that part time job in to a full time passion. The second motive was to re-direct my thought process and sleepless nights away from my 38 year old son, who took his own life after years of depression, which became worse when we spent a fortune on counseling and professional programs. My ire still goes up when folks spend taxpayer money to blame it all on drugs and alcohol. That only eases the pain of depression. I gave up politics as it wasn't easy to witness people who came before the City Fathers and told fibs, and after sucking one guy in, I made sure the City Recorder had recorded what I would consider Anti-American speech, but not enough to rise to the level of a criminal indictment, at least the way Utah and America is out of control. Now the point of all this gobbly gook- During my years working with various politicians, including being a Constituent Affairs' Writer for 4 separate Governors, I found only a few that had Honesty and Integrity. That included Federal, State and even local people I grew up with. It then dawned on me, that all of those "bad folks" in D.C, are not the real problem, as we the voters continue to put them in office. As such, with my energy depleted for not saving the world or even my once rural Nephi; Utah or America. I have hung my work hat up and will find more satisfaction helping a neighbor; a stranger or being more Christ-like, even to the liars and those that hurt others. Right now, I feel more pain for the average American who likes work for work sake and family, but they are the ones that are forced by our leaders to give to the rich and those who choose not to work, and to the Non-Citizens who are permitted to break our Constitutional Laws. Before you blindly vote, investigate their motive, as some do it only for greed to get work for the same company they voted to hire or to employ a family member. Conflict of Interest or the Appearance thereof, does in fact occur and on a regular basis.