Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Adolf Hitler was an evil man with a sinister plot that few Germans saw in 1933. Hitler obtained the necessary votes at the Reichstag, and became Chancellor, then modified his leadership and stole the name of NAZI and its symbol, which had been used by the Ancient American Indians and the Buddhist's of long ago. His reign blamed Germany's economic woes on a race of people that were different than that of a German, and his speeches were organized by he and others in a Munich bar. Many of the local's could feel the bad man they put in office, but most were using a wheelbarrow full of paper money just to get bread for their kids and were forced to go along with it, and according to Gerhard, Americans are doing the same foolish thing now. Having interviewed many German citizens and former Nazi Soldiers over there was good to hear both sides. I used a military interpreter to listen to their side after my sense of innermost ill feeling as we breached the off limits "shower" rooms at Dachau, not far from Munich. As their were a few German families that had the sense to "Get the Hell Out of Dodge", they did so with the family of Gerhard Koenig with his parents and siblings. I have been well acquainted with their whole family for several decades and had utmost respect and admiration for Gerhard and his very American support of military zeal for freedom. He was a world traveler; hard worker, and excellent family man, even though his body was cancer riddled with pain, but came to Nephi to visit and to see an excellent local Doctor who instantly referred him to the Huntsman, but not able to get him in quick enough. While visiting, I did tell him "I was not even a horse Doc", but he had to put off work and get to a real Doc immediately. And thanks to his sister-Elke, who has been his life line guide and driver. His eyes pierced mine and it was if he was singing that song of long along, "There is a time for living and a time for dying". When he got home, he laid on the floor to ease the pain of a hernia, and was transferred to where there is no pain, only aches for those that will miss him here. It wasn't long ago that he buried his brother, and arrived early to put American flags at the gravesite. A celebration of his life will be held tonight in SLC, but my old printer doesn't seem to work from Larkin Funeral Homes, so you may have to look it up from your area. If is not here,  you will understand my ER visit today for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction didn't work out. Thanks for sisters and to Gerhard, as you are one of the best American Patriots I know and did so without a shot being fired.

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