Friday, July 7, 2023


If you ask any person in the United States Military, which branch they served in, you may get a lot of different ideas. As they are frequently changing or adding to the branches, they may all be correct. In World War Two, prior to them being called "Frogman" or "Navy Seals" they were "Underwater Demolition Teams" and the father of Nephi's Clyde Gowers was one, but he was very quiet about what ever he did in the war, and kept to that silence til his death. We all thought he was just a quiet guy, but often times the quiet ones are the ones to have on your side of the firing line. The main branches are the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and the Coast Guard. Now I hear tell, they have a new one called "Space Force". All are needed and I suppose that is why they need the billion dollar Pentagon to keep track of who is where. For me, I was always proud to have Uncles and my father considered World War One and Two veterans; then had three brothers serve during the Vietnam War or if you speak to a local from Saigon they would call it the "American War", as a few years before the French fought them, but like us they withdrew as both sides were "shot to hell". And today, I was proud to hang a graduation photo of a grand nephew-Tanner Jones, the oldest son of Travis and Karen Jones. He aced Juab High; a foreign LDS Mission; Snow College, then set his telescopic sights on the Military. Some say it is the second hardest to the Marines, but who knows for sure. The Coast Guard is going through its toughest combat time now, as the Southern Border is an open door to illegals coming in and they are not just bringing in billions of illegal drugs that are killing citizens, but millions of illegals and drugs on boats and it is the Coast Guard who is assigned to stop and search, and like the front line, you kill or be killed. His plague hangs on my wall. I thought we would also throw in the before and after photos of "Doc" Hal Jones who was an upfront Medic in Nam, who took the place of Blair Wilkey of Nephi, who had just been taken out by the enemy. Hal still fits.....well sort of, in his uniform.

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