Saturday, July 1, 2023


Several years ago when I was trying my luck with University Studies,  I "may" have been a little different! That actually may not be too different than what others thought of me 50 years ago and now. Anywho, I was attending a well know University that was dangerous to attend, only because there was many a parent who directed their daughters there to avoid another local University where I was eventually in the Educational Psychology Masters Program. At my first University,  I was working as a janitor at night in order to pay for more classes during the day. Because of the cost involved, my goal was focused on being a graduate, and eventually obtained an Undergraduate Degree in Law Enforcement. I didn't want to date, as somehow, dating causes people to either fall in Lust or Love, either of which could interfere with my studies. However, I tripped and fell one delightful day-as predicted, but didn't hit the sidewalk like I did a couple years. ago. Today, we will call her "Betty" or perhaps "Beautiful Betty". We talked and walked and one day, I did the decent thing, and asked her on a date. She lived with her folks. I was nervous and awkward knocking on the door. Mommy answered my thunderous rap on their screen door and invited me in. I met Daddy, whose hand grip reminded me of shaking hands with Sonny Liston or Levans Golden Mangelson, even when he was older. Without much chitter chatter, he got right down to brass tacks and asked "What is your motive for dating my daughter?" What the Hell was that all about? I thought I could humor my way out of that, but I was so shocked, I stumbled and stuttered, and blamed the muffled flatulence on the dog, even though they didn't have a dog! The date was fun and we enjoyed each other at bowling. Regardless of how much I liked "Bouncing Betty", I stuck with my studies, then went to work. During 42 years involving 30,000 Interviews, Investigations and Interrogations about criminals around the world, I still wanted to understand a persons MOTIVE, for what ever they did or didn't do. I retired and moved back to my rural hometown as a Member of the Nephi City Council, even though I often said how much I disliked politicians as they often spoke to hear their own voice. I knew exactly what my motive was for running. It served two separate motives. First, I wanted to give back to the greatest small town in the world, and I made that part time job in to a full time passion. The second motive was to re-direct my thought process and sleepless nights away from my 38 year old son, who took his own life after years of depression, which became worse when we spent a fortune on counseling and professional programs. My ire still goes up when folks spend taxpayer money to blame it all on drugs and alcohol. That only eases the pain of depression. I gave up politics as it wasn't easy to witness people who came before the City Fathers and told fibs, and after sucking one guy in, I made sure the City Recorder had recorded what I would consider Anti-American speech, but not enough to rise to the level of a criminal indictment, at least the way Utah and America is out of control. Now the point of all this gobbly gook- During my years working with various politicians, including being a Constituent Affairs' Writer for 4 separate Governors, I found only a few that had Honesty and Integrity. That included Federal, State and even local people I grew up with. It then dawned on me, that all of those "bad folks" in D.C,  are not the real problem, as we the voters continue to put them in office. As such, with my energy depleted for not saving the world or even my once rural Nephi; Utah or America. I have hung my work hat up and will find more satisfaction helping a neighbor; a stranger or being more Christ-like, even to the liars and those that hurt others. Right now, I feel more pain for the average American who likes work for work sake and family, but they are the ones that are forced by our leaders to give to the rich and those who choose not to work, and to the Non-Citizens who are permitted to break our Constitutional Laws. Before you blindly vote, investigate their motive, as some do it only for greed to get work for the same company they voted to hire or to employ a family member. Conflict of Interest or the Appearance thereof, does in fact occur and on a regular basis. 

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