Sunday, July 2, 2023


It is hard to believe, but this kid is more than a half century old, but still young enough to celebrate the Nephi Jones Boys way and head to Lost Wages, Nevada. But both he and Vickie deserve it. Shane has always been a hard worker that may be a DNA trait, as his great, great Grandfather was doing that in 1852 when Edward Jones arrived in Nephi on order from Brigham Young. And although Juab High has great sports champs, they seem to have forgot how to teach students how to work hard and live life on earth. To make things more "Even-Steven", Shane is one of the hardest workers and players I know and I have witnessed a train load of No-Accounts that want everything "At No Cost To You"! If you examine the one photo of March, 1982, it shows Shane on the far right cutting trees down with a chainsaw. Along with him is Alma Jones; Kent and Justin Jones, then Shane. Where they are standing is where I now live and able to save one apple tree that was planted in 1885, the same year the Barn and Jones home on 7th North were built. Most school officials never ever thought Shane would make it to Juab High Graduation, but proof is in the pudding and print with the square around his photo. and the toe head good looking youngster is Shane. By the way Shane, congratulations on graduation, as I know one of your Uncles that was kicked out of Kindergarten. There are times in life when hard work deserves some play time, but if you do that in Vegas, all things don't really stay there, so make sure you have a good partner with you to get you back to the Orleans Hotel and not have to spend the night sleeping it off laying on the streets. Next to Washington D.C. Vegas remains a very high crime area, and in more ways than you expect from thugs!

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