Saturday, June 1, 2024


Either this week or last, I read in our local paper-The Times News, that all citizens ought to be keeping junk cars and trucks off  City Streets. I can't remember the period of time they can be temporarily park there, but I think horse sense will whisper to all of us that it is sooner than a year, and garbage trucks and the Mail Carriers may be heard to say "Hell Yes". And if you drive along Highway 91 to the North toward Mona, that situation has occurred since Noah built the Ark....well almost. It is also suggested that we keep any vacant lots up to what we used to do when Nephi was a small Rural City where we all chipped in together to keep it a beautiful town. Not anymore, but perhaps we can put a voluntary spirit back in place, even for the move ins that may like junk. And sometimes it is good to get brain damage, as I thought yesterday was Saturday-a work day. We set out to help a neighbor who didn't have the motating lawnmower to do their lawns and weeds so we went gun ho on theirs and they had a thankful heart to say the least. But that wasn't enough! We noticed how  a lot of dirt, dust and debris, causing potential problems and even liability, so we drove our giant HEMI around to the front and started to fill that up along Main Street and between 600 North, but to the ire of vehicles in a hurry to speed up 700 North. The photo below will show our piled up truck. And at the corner, which belongs to Nephi City, we pulled up the illegally placed campaign sign. I personally or professionally know not the name of the candidate running for the Utah Attorney General's office. In the past, it is paid City workers that pull them up, and remember the City folks are paid by Taxpayers, so one thought was to ask the candidate to fork over some money to a noble cause such as the Children's Justice Center. For me, one vote may or may not make a difference, but that was enough to vote for somebody else. The candidate should have enough integrity to tell his paid or volunteer staff where a sign can and can't be placed. Okay,  okay, I am about to say Amen. The last grievance is the debris in the gutter of Main Street, which is a State Road. What it the world do I do with it? The last time I cleaned it up along Main Street was about four years ago, and don't think it has been cleaned up since. Perhaps, just perhaps, the same guy who convinced me to change parties to Republican can ask the Governor if he wants it. I had previously heard him speak and wasn't impressed how he wanted to build more subdivisions in Rural Utah, so he is another no-no vote for this Trump Republican. Taking it out to the Junkyard would cost a kidney and only have one left and same with other body thing a ma jigs! And one PS. I am just a plain old Joe Citizen, but thumbs up to the Sheriff's Deputy who pulled over 3 vehicles for traffic violations' on the street, helping out Nephi Police. I kept an eye on them in case he needed a back up, but as I have a gimp in my gallop, I was liken unto the waste I was picking up!

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