Tuesday, June 18, 2024


You may have already heard the rumors at Ray's Cafe; Snak Shack; Bobs Barber Shop or at The Serv, so let me try to bring some evidence to the surface. In the days of Grandma saying "Truth is always in the Pudding", but now a days they rely on more evidence, so we got the people that danced the truth and did it all well, and proof that Lisa Blackett is a Heroine of Hero's of Nephi, that we may have never given credit to, so we will today. Many of the listed little sweetheart's or grown up and we hope their loved ones pay tribute to those lucky enough to have their own Fantasy come true. Some of them danced so well, they have ascended to the Heavenly Clouds with Angelic Wings to enlighten and delight others, as they did during their mortal days on earth. When you get a moment, send a hand written note to Lisa, in the mail and give thanks to a local gal who has done much to bring glee to all of us. I still recall how much my mother called on Lisa to perform for the elderly when the Colonial Manor was the resting home for those folks that were older, but still humans that enjoyed free entertainment. A genuine thanks cousin, and yes, Nephi, Martha and Huck Jackson stands on high and proud of what you have done in a kind way for others in your hometown.


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